Sleep Over (Part Two)

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Jeremy's POV

The first movie we watched was a horror movie. It was the second Blaire Witch Project. The old one was okay, kinda scary but not very because of its low quality, but the newer one was higher quality and the director seemed to know a thing or two about jump scares.
My mind wasn't really on the movie. It was more on Michael, who was clinging to my arm, basically sitting in my lap, shaking like he had hyperthermia. It was a little funny, he always acts like these types of movies didn't scare him, but then ten minutes in, he's hiding his face in my chest or a pillow or whatever was near him.
I thanked whatever god might be real that everyone else in the room was too engrossed in the movie to notice putting my arm around Michael and him holding onto my shirt with his head in my chest.
"J-Jeremy..."  Michael whispered, sounding more scared than I thought he would.  "I don't w-wanna watch this anymore."
"Okay, one second, Michael." I whispered back, then stood up.  I addressed the rest of them.  "We're going to the kitchen."  They all nodded absentmindedly, they're attention on the movie. Only Jenna looked our way, and that was to tell us there was pudding in the refrigerator. I pulled Michael to his feet and walked him over to the kitchen. I could feel him shaking. This movie must have really freaked him out.
"Are you gonna be okay?" I asked him as we sat down in barstools. He nodded and I rubbed circles in his back. He hated scary movies. I should've told them to pick a different film. I kissed his cheek like he'd done to me before, smiling as he blushed harder than I thought was humanly possible.  I kissed his cheek again, then his mouth.  He made a surprised sound, opening his mouth, so I pushed my tongue through.
I felt him hold a handful of my shirtsleeve, trying to pull me closer to him.  I stood up, leaning forward and he moved onto the counter.  I hoped Jenna wouldn't be to upset if she found out about that.
We pulled back from each other and we're breathing really hard.
"That's pretty gay." He said, somehow blushing more than before.
"Well you're pretty gay, Michael." I murmured and kissed his neck, leaving a mark on his skin. He gasped and dug his nails into my shoulders, making me wince, but then got over it.
"Jer..." Michael pushed me away a bit, his eyes following something. I turned and saw Brooke. She opened the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of alcohol.
"Don't mind me guys, I'm just here to get drinks."  She said without a care in the world, "But maybe the kitchen isn't the number one place, just saying."  We nodded slowly as she got cups and walked back out to the living room.
"Oh my god."  Michael said, covering his face with his hands.  I laughed when he said, "Why does that keep happening?"

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