Heir to the Tribe of the Night Warriors

Start from the beginning

"Well she's your mate," Hiccup pointed out, "Shouldn't you know?"

'Yeah, but...eh...speaking of mates,' Toothless glanced back and gave Hiccup a grin.


'Oh don't pretend like you didn't go somewhere before we left,' Toothless said with a bit of sass, 'I know that you went to Astrids house. I'm so happy for you Hiccup!'

Hiccup chuckled, "Alright, yes. We're gonna get married in three months."

Toothless smiled his toothless smile and chuckled his Night Fury laugh, 'I'm a little clueless on human marriage. When are you suppose to have kids?'

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Hiccup stopped that train of thought, "I-It is way to early for something like that!"

Toothless chuckled, 'I'm just teasing you bud.'

They flew in silence for only five minutes before Toothless' ears suddenly perked up. "What is it Toothless?"

'A dragon...it's in trouble,' Toothless turned his head to the right, 'That way.'

Hiccup listened, "But...I don't hear anything."

'Neither do I,' Toothless admitted, 'I can sense it. It's because I'm the Alpha.'

"Whoa really?" Hiccup was amazed, "Cool." But then he got serious, "Come on. Let's go help it." They took a sharp turn and flew off in the direction that Toothless was sensing it from. A few minutes later they were flying over and island. It looked to be Thorrock Island. "Oh you have to be kidding me," Hiccup groaned. Down in the forest below they saw a group of Dragon Hunters cornering a young Deadly Nadder. The dragon looked hurt and scared. "Really?" Hiccup rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Even after the event with Drago?"

'Why do their clothing seem familiar?' Toothless wondered. They hovered in the air in hope of a good plan yet unknown to the group of Hunters behind them.

One of them readied his bow. He looked back at his friend. "Send a Terror to the boss," he chuckled. Then he lined up his aim, "We have the Alpha!" He released the Dragon Root Arrow. It flew through the air and hit Toothless just behind his back leg. Toothless yelped as the Dragon Root effects cam fast.

"Whoa!" Hiccup shouted as they fell out of the sky.

'Waaa! What's going on!?' Sharpshot jumped from his sleep. They hit the ground hard. Toothless moaned in pain.

The Hunters, who had just captured the Nadder, quickly turned and charged them.

Hiccup jumped to his feet, ignited Inferno, and was ready to fight. But suddenly another arrow flew through the sky and landed in between him and the Hunters. A ball was attached to it. When it hit the ground the ball exploded and smoke filled the area fast. "Smothering Smokebreath smoke," Hiccup coughed. He tried to wave the smoke away fast and Sharpshot flapped his wings hard.

When the smoke did clear Hiccup saw that the Hunters had Toothless and were taking him. "Hey!" Hiccup shouted, "Get your hands off of my dragon!" He charged them but another arrow came down and filled the air with more smoke. Hiccup was forced to step back as he coughed. This smoke lasted longer and when it finally disappeared the Hunters and Toothless were gone. "Sky Sharpshot!" Hiccup ordered quickly, "Find them!"

Sharpshot took off without a second thought and Hiccup ran off in the direction they were heading when he saw them last. After a few minutes of running through the forest Sharpshot flew down to Hiccup. He circled around his head, 'This way!'

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