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   She broke into tears, mumbling that she would be there soon. Turning to Chat, she was met with a worried face.

Rubbing away her tears, "I have to go," her voice was shaking.

   "What happened? Is everything okay?" He moved closer to her, holding her arms.

   "Yeah –Yeah, everything's fine!" She sniffed wiping away more tears as her lip quivered, "It's just my parents."

   "What about them are they okay?"

   "I-I don't know, they got into an accident, and they're in the hospital –I," she could barely control the tears, "I need to go, my mom wanted me to come as soon as I could, which might take a while considering I can't drive yet."

   "Do you want me to give you a ride?"

   "Well that would be nice but-" she gestured to the mask covering her face.

   "Oh," he wanted to help her so badly, but he couldn't, the stupid secret identity thing was probably the worst thing ever.

   He gave her a hug, and she ran off after that, running all the way to the hospital, she gasped for air, her knees were weak from the run, and she was still breathing heavily when she walked into the large building.

   "Hi, I'm here to see Sabine Cheng and Tom Dupain?" It sounded like a question the way she said it.

   "Oh yes, of course, rooms 104 dear."

   She sprinted down the hall of the hospital, finding her mother's room, she walked in, hopefully she was awake.

   "Mom?" She almost whispered, opening the door.

   "Marinette!" Her mother pulled her into an embrace, "Oh sweety I've been waiting for you, it's a good thing I woke up so soon."

   Marinette pulled away, "What happened? Is dad going to be okay?" She saw her mother's eyes sadden, that couldn't be good news.

   "Well, you remember how we left to deliver and pick up a few things?" Marinette nodded, "Well, we got in a reck. We swerved out of the way for another driver, and ended up landing sideways, I was on the opposite side that we landed on, so your father took most of the blow and-" tears were forming in both of their eyes, "your father, he passed away a few hours ago, he was already gone when I woke up."

   Marinette felt tears stream down her face as her lip quivered, "It's okay to cry baby, come here." Her mother opened up her arms, beckoning her daughter, Marinette welcomed the gesture, sobbing into her mother's shoulder.

   Her mother rubbed her back, comforting her daughter, they sat there crying with each other for some time before a nurse came in, "Sorry ma'am, we need to do some blood tests really quick, and get some more medication for the pain, Ms. Dupain-Cheng you may wait just outside the door.

   Before she left Marinette grabbed a pen that was on the table, she would need Chat right now. She opened the cap, but before she could write a message of her own, the feeling of a felt tip, tickled her arm.

Are your parents okay? Are you okay?

She exhaled shakily, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

Yeah, I'm okay, but my dad, She paused, breathing to control her emotions, he's gone.

A few tears slipped from her eyes, as she felt him swipe his hand across his arm, clearing the text, I'm sorry, I know how it can be, I lost my mom two years ago, just before we started talking.

She never knew that. She never knew that her soulmate had gone through something like this, she'd imagined it to be a similar situation, maybe his mom got sick, or maybe it had been a reck, just like her father.

I'm sorry too then. No one should have to lose their parents at such a young age. More tears fell, and she desperately tried to wipe them away, not wanting him to know she was crying.

You shouldn't be, you're going through it right now, that was two years ago. Do you wanna meet soon? I know you probably want someone to comfort you.

Thank god he asked her. She wouldn't of had the confidence, or energy to ask him, Yeah, please. Same place? Tomorrow night at ten?

I'll see you then, and if you need to talk to me, feel free. There was a pause before he wrote something else, I love you.

She needed to hear that, it was the first time he had said it to her, and she would've been jumping up and down, had it not been for the situation. I love you too.

She capped the pen, and bit her lip. Deep breaths, she told herself, deep breaths. The breaths she took were shaky, like she had just run a mile, and forgotten how to breath.

Dad may be gone, but mom is still here, she'll live, and she'll be fine. Marinette let out one last deep sigh as she pulled out her phone to tell her three friends about her situation. No doubt, her mother wouldn't be back on her feet for a bit, and that left a certain midnight-haired school girl to take care of the bakery. There was no way Marinette could do that on her own.

"Hey guys, so, I don't know how to say this but, my dad just passed away, and my mom is in the hospital from a car reck. I need some help running the bakery for the next few weeks. Are any of you able to help?" She pressed the send button, turning off her phone, and sliding it back into its place in her pocket.

A few minutes later her phone went off three times, "Oh girl! I'm so sorry! Of course I can help you out, tell me when you get home. I'm coming to you as soon as I can." Thank god, at least one person could help her. She scrolled down to see Adrien and Nino's messages.

"Marinette, I'm so sorry, but I can't help. With my busy schedule it would be impossible. Best of wishes to you and your mom." Adrien was such a sweetheart.

"Sorry Marinette, I'm going out of town next week with my parents." Looks like it's just her and Alya.

That was fine. Her and Alya could manage, she would be okay. Everything would be okay.

Everything would be okay.

Red and Green Markers (LadyNoir Soulmate AU)Where stories live. Discover now