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Adrien sighed, he was going to meet his lady! Well, sort of, he was going to meet her, with a mask. The mask was meant to hide their true identities, while still allowing them to meet.

Where are we meeting?

He felt, a pen tip grace his arm, and swiftly read the message, wiping it away to write his own, The park, the one near the Eiffel Tower.

It was probably the most romantic, but casual, places in Paris. He looked himself over in the mirror, before saying the phrase, that his Kwami taught him, "Plagg, Transform me!"

A black mask covered his face, as his outfit changed to jeans, and a completely black t-shirt. It was casual, as a first-meeting outfit should be, he looked in the mirror, noticing that –true to his name– he had cat ears... like real cat ears. He shrugged it off, making his way to the park.

When he got there, he saw a beautiful girl, with a polka dotted mask covering her face, she had midnight hair, that shone in the pale sunlight, and her skin was a radiant porcelain color.

"My Lady?" His voice seemed to surprise the girl, she jumped at the voice, but once she had realized it was him, her shoulders relaxed.

"Hello, Chaton," her voice was so smooth, almost like silk, it was a beautiful noise, and he was set more at ease by the voice.

He sat down on the bench, beside her, and they sat there for a while. Just enjoying each other's company, for the first time.

They finally had, at least a bit of, a face and a voice to put to the notes they wrote back and forth. They finally had an idea of each other's appearances.

"This, this is so amazing," Ladybug spoke, after a while, "To finally have an idea of what you look and sound like, is just, amazing," she repeated herself, giving him a heartfelt smile.

"Yeah, it sure is," he smiled back at her, and kept staring at her, even when she had looked away. He wanted to take in every detail of her, memorize what she looked, and sounded like. His eyes traced her visible features, her bluebell eyes, her flowing midnight hair, her porcelain skin, everything.

He looked down to her outfit, he hadn't noticed it earlier, too caught up in the moment, but she was wearing a short sleeved red and black polka dotted shirt, that was matched with some pale blue skinny jeans.

He looked back up to her face, and caught her staring at him, she blushed and looked away, embarrassed by her actions. He giggled lightly at her cute attitude, "It's okay m'lady," he said it to assure her that he wasn't upset in the slightest, in fact, he was happy. Any previous doubts of acceptance, were now replaced by assurance. He could tell that she cared for him, just as he cared for her.

They sat there for a while longer, watching the sunset, and making light conversation, it was good enough for both of them, and they wished that they could do this more often.

"Would you like to do this again in a few days?" Her gaze moved from the setting sun to him, but her head stayed in its position.

"Of course, I would love to princess," he replied flirtatiously, making her roll her eyes, "How about in a week? On Friday?" He asked.

"Sounds wonderful," she stood up, getting ready to walk to her home.

"If you want I could walk you home," she blushed, and nudged his arm, playfully.

"Nice try kitty."

She walked off from the park, and he watched her, until she disappeared behind a corner. He sighed dreamily, she seemed even more perfect now.

Plagg flew out of his ring, demanding cheese, and Adrien gave in, pulling some from his jacket pocket, that the Kwami had insisted on bringing.

Adrien started towards home, making sure that the fairy creature was close behind, no one was out of their home during this time, so Plagg was free to roam beside Adrien. The small, human like creature, had wings just like Tikki's, he wore a black suit, with a white undershirt, and a green tie. In addition to the wings he had, the Kwami also had black cat ears, as well as a matching tail.

When Adrien arrived at his family mansion, he immediately grabbed the infamous pastel green marker he used to write notes to his lady. He quickly scribbled down, I had a wonderful time my lady, what time on Friday would be best for you?

The note was gone, almost as soon as he finished writing, and he felt a familiar pen tip brush his arm, Is 7:30 okay?

He knew that the sunset on Friday would be at eight, and she had to of known that as well, and wanted to spend the sunset with him again. He sighed, so that was going to be their thing?

He found it so adorable how she thought that should be the thing that they did together, it was so sweet, and innocent of a thought, that he couldn't wait to see her again, he already missed her, and he only left the park twenty minutes ago.

Purrfect, Bugaboo.

You and your puns Kitty, he could practically see her, rolling her gorgeous bluebell eyes. There was his daydreaming again.

Ever since he and Ladybug started to write little notes to each other, he had a horrible daydreaming habit. His mind always wandered to her, what she was doing, who she was, you name it. He loved her, there wasn't a doubt I his mind about that.

Adrien flopped on his bed, exhausted from the day. He finally met his lady, or at least, with a mask on. She was the only thing on his mind, and he fell into a deep sleep, dreaming of her.

And Marinette did the same.

Red and Green Markers (LadyNoir Soulmate AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora