Chapter 1

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PS, Allison is not dead. Aiden and Ethan are not in the story

Stiles's P.O.V

I know that the pack thinks I am some worthless human. I also know that they are going to kick me out soon. Oh look I have a text from my ex best friend.
Stiles pack meeting come to my house
Okay​ be there in a few minutes

Scott's P.O.V

''So as soon as he gets here we kick him out'' i said. OK everyone said except Jackson, Allison, Lydia, and Danny. "Why do you want to kick him out Scott he is your best friend" Jackson said. "He is not my best friend and besides he is just a stupid worthless human being" I said. "Besides Jackson why do you care I thought you hated Stiles" Malia asked. "I care because he was one of the only people who wanted to be my  friend and do you know that he's even human?''Jackson said.''What do you mean by that?''i asked ''Find out we won't tell you.'' Jackson, Allison, Lydia, and Danny said.

Stiles's P.O.V

At that moment I walked in the house. No one knew I was here so they just kept talking. I am so glad that Jackson, Allison, Lydia, and Danny  stuck up for me but i am a little mad that no one else did.I wish i could go back to my family the Mikaelson's. Yes  i'm an original but not just any original i'm a tribrid. A tribrid is a witch, werewolf, a and vampire. i'm the only on in my family that is a tribrid. I have 2 sisters and 5 brothers but one of my sisters died  and one of my brothers died. I hate my step father cause he would beat me and my younger twin brother Nicklaus. I also hate my mother cause she did nothing and she made me and my twin brother's wolf side dormant. i should probably make my self know. 

Sorry that it was so short The next chapter will be longer

Bye Hope you enjoy the story 

See you guys later 

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