Happy New Year!

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We giggle and she leaves

Justin: How long do we have until midnight?

I check my phone

Me: Umm about 30 mins
Justin: Perfect

He kisses me deeply and I slowly lean back so I'm lying down on the bed with Justin hovering over me still kissing me...

Downstairs *20 mins later*

Harry-to Becca-: Hey what was going on with you an Ari's jerk of a boyfriend earlier
Becca: Oh nothing just a lil fun plus he's not a jerk he's cool
Harry: Seems like a jerk to me
Becca: Why?
Harry: He's no good for her, she should be with someone who she knows
Becca: She does know him an he is good for her, to be honest he's the best thing that's ever happened to her
Harry: Where is she anyway?
Becca: Upstairs
Harry: I'll go talk to her

He goes to walk upstairs but Becca gently pulls him back

Becca: Yeah..not a good idea
Harry: Why?
Becca: She's...busy
Harry: With? It's her party
Becca: Justin
Harry: Fighting?
Becca: No..the other thing

Harry clenches his fists

Becca: What's the matter with you? Wait..do you..are you jealous?!
Harry: Wha-no no I'm not jealous *scoffs* why would I be jealous? Wha- what makes you think I'm jealous
Becca: Because you tensed up like you wanna go bust his a*s and you haven't looked at me since I mentioned they're "busy"

Harry sips his drink

Harry: I'm fine

Me and Justin come downstairs with our clothes kinda messed up and our hair kinda ruffled, we go over to Becca and Harry.
Justin hugs me from behind and kisses the side of my head.

Justin: I'll go get us drinks An set up for midnight
Me: Okay babe, hurry up you only got 5mins
Justin*whispers in my ear*: I would of had longer but you're too sexy I didn't wanna stop

I giggle and bite my lip

Me: Goo you're running out of time
Becca: Have fun?
Me: Ohh yeah
Becca*giggles*: And you got down before midnight, I'm impressed
Me: To be honest so am I

We both laugh and Harry glares at me, I look at him

Me: What?

Becca nudges him

Harry: Nothing

I look at him confused

Me: Okay..?

Justin lowers the music and shouts inside from the backyard


We all huddle outside and make a large circle around the unlit fireworks, Justin stands next to them.

Justin: OKAY READY?! 10..

Everyone:...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

Justin lights the fireworks then runs over to me. I put my arms around his neck, he puts his around my waist and pulls me close while kissing me deeply.

Justin: Happy New Year Beautiful
Me: Happy New Year Baby, I love you
Justin: I love you too

My mom and dad come over to us

Mom: Happy New Year honey!

We hug

Dad*to Justin*: Look kid, I've been thinking about what Ari said...and I'm willing to start fresh..if you are?

He offers his hand for Justin to shake, Justin nods and shakes it

Justin: Thanks Sir

Mom: Happy New Year Justin
Justin: Happy New Year Ma'am
Mom: Honey we're going home now thanks for inviting us, love you and see you two soon!
Me: Okay bye mom, bye dad love you too

We hug again and they leave

Justin: Hey, guess what?
Me: What?
Justin: Your dads accepting our deal
Me: What? Really?
Justin: Yeah, I was shocked too


Me: Awh yay I'm so relieved
Justin: Me too baby

We laugh and go wish everyone else a happy new year

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