Recuperation and Regrouping

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Twilight was horrified as Leo took the group attack and got hurt. He was knocked aside and laid on the street unconscious.

"Leo!" Twilight ran to him and checked his pulse, "Oh, he's alive." she said in relief.

"That's nothing compared to what we're gonna do to you." Rahzar said, as he and Tiger Claw approached with the Dazzlings behind them.

Twilight looked at he enemies, before looking back at Leo. Any look or feeling of fear and worry was replaced with courage and determination. She gripped her weapon and stood her ground.

Her enemies seeing this were surprised, until Adagio spoke, "You're joking right?"

"You are no match against all five of us, little cub." Tiger Claw warned her.

"I may be outmatched in numbers and skill. But I will fight no matter what the odds if it's for my friend!" Twilight declared, as she suddenly started glowing and grew her pony wings and hair extended. The two mutants were taken aback by this, while Shredder was shocked.

"What's this?" Shredder demanded.

"This is what happened when we last fought them, father." Karai warned him.

Twilight now ponied up, gripped her weapon, "I'll show you what happens when you mess with my friends!" she flew in and started striking the mutants as she flew past them.

"This is bad." Sonata feared.

"Now what?" Aria asked their leader.

"She may have tapped into her Equestrian Magic, but we still have what we took," Adagio reminded them, "So let's show her we can fight like that too!" the three using their fin-like wings flew at Twilight and began fighting her with their own weapons.

Shredder watched the four fight in mid air, before turning to his second in command, "Tiger Claw, shoot her down!"

"With pleasure, Master," Tiger Claw pulled out one of his blasters and concentrated so he could get a good shot at Twilight. When he finally got a clear shot, "Goodbye, Princess."

Before he could shoot, a kunai had hit the blaster and knocked it out of his paw. Shredder and Karai were in shock, "What?!" Shredder called.

They looked to the side seeing the rest of the turtles and Rainbooms walking down the street in their direction armed and ready with Sunset Shimmer holding her kunais.

"Them?" Karai gasped.

"But how?" Shredder demanded.

"Your minions may talk the talk, but they don't always walk the walk." Rainbow said, as they stepped aside to reveal Fishface, Bebop, and Rocksteady knocked out and bounded together.

"Idiots." Shredder grumbled.

"Good thing I traced the signal on Twilight's phone and found they were here." Donnie added.

"Twilight!" the girls called from below.

"Twilight saw them, "Guys!"

"Where's..." Raph began, until they saw Leo unconscious, "LEO!" they ran over to check on their leader.

"Is he?" Fluttershy asked in worry.

"No, he's alive." Donnie assured.

"We got to get back to the lair." Raph said.

"What about Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

"Leave that to me?" Casey said, as he readied some pucks with explosives strapped to them, "Goongala!" he whacked the pucks up to the Dazzlings that exploded and distorted them.

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