Ninja Pony Up

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As the Dazzlings waited for Karai, Aria was getting annoyed, "What's taking Karai so long?"

"I know. You'd think she'd be back by now." Sonata agreed.

"Patience, you two," Adagio calmed them, "She can't be much longer."

"Hey, what's that?" Sonata pointed up, "A bird? A plane?"

Aria looked up, "Wrong on both guesses."

Descending down was a hulking ninja robot. The three sirens were surprised, until Karai arrived, "Hey, girls. I'm back."

"Karai, you wanna fill us in?" Adagio inquired.

"Yeah. What is this thing?" Aria asked, while looking at the robot.

"This was one of the last inventions the Kraang left to me and Shredder. Michelangelo called it Chrome Dome, so might as well stick with it."

"It makes sense to call him that." Sonata agreed while looking at the robots head.

"With this at our side, taking on the turtles and Rainbooms will be easy." Karai explained.

"Let's hope so," Aria replied, "Otherwise we'll have to answer to Shredder."

Karai sighed, and looked at Adagio, "How can you stand being around such a skeptic?"

Adagio returned a sigh, and answered, "I've been asking myself that for years."

Down in the lair, the turtles, the girls, April, and Casey were recuperating from their latest fight.

"Man. I knew we had to expect the worse, but that?" Rainbow asked.

"I know. Who would've thought those girls could do anything besides sing?" Applejack asked.

"Good thing we got out of there in time." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Yeah, but we're going back out there." Leo noted.

"We are?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

"That's right," Raph confirmed, "We gotta finish this fight."

"Sure they'll bring reinforcements, and probably outnumber us, but it won't be so bad," Mikey began, as Fluttershy looked hopeful, "It'll be a lot worse." Fluttershy cowered, while Raph smacked the back of Mikey's head.

Splinter walked in, "My sons are correct. If you do not confront the Dazzlings and Karai to finish the fight, they will find means of drawing you out themselves. Means that will put others at risk."

Twilight spoke, "We understand, Master Splinter."

"And just wait till I see those Dazzlings again," Casey began, "I'm gonna drop a whole new game on them Casey Jones style."

"That's one game I wanna miss." Raph replied.

After the group was rested, they returned to the surface while on the look out for their enemies. Pinkie was acting all sneaky like a spy.

"Secret agent Pinkie Pie, on the lookout for enemy ninja." she popped in from around an air duct, behind a water tower, even coming out from a door leading down to the building. All at the same time.

Mikey watched how she did it, "I've always wanted to defy all logic like she can."

"I'll never understand how she does it." Donnie said in disbelief.

"Can it, dorks!" Raph scolded them, "We're on a lookout."

Twilight was looking around as if studying the layout of the rooftop, "You know taking in the structure of the roof and the timing. If they were to suddenly ambush us, they would do it right about..."

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