Class began and she looked over at her new seat mate. He was asleep again. Is all he ever does is sleep. She sighed in annoyance and continued to write down some notes. The bell rang. She decided not to wake that asshole up and just leave. She did so and went to the next class.

She sat in another one of her new seats. It was ten minutes into the class and everyone turned towards the door. Mim busted in. Panting. He had ran from the other class as fast as he could. He sat down in the seat next to the new girl, again.

"Why didn't you wake me up that time?!" He whisper yelled over to the new girl.

"Sorry I don't help assholes." She went back to her work. He looked at her in anger and did his work.

"Dumb bitch. " He mumbled under his breath but she heard him. She decided to wait to do something about it.

Class ended and it was finally the end of the day. Cheayeon went up to 'Min' and socked him in the jaw. He held his jaw in pain.

"What the fuck did you do that for?!" He slurred his words from pain.

"Think before you call someone a dumb bitch you ass wipe!" She pointed a finger at him then walks off. So much for a first day.

「Cheayeon POV」

I got home after walking and went straight to my room. No one cared if I came home or not. Here, no one cares. I went up to my room and threw my bag on the bed and changed into something more comfortable.

I pulled out my laptop and watched some speed paintings. Those helped me pass the time if I had nothing to do. I looked out my window. Rain. I love the rain. I like the smell the ground makes after a fresh layer of rain. I like to dark clouds. I like the warm rain water against my skin.

I opened my curtains fully so I could let the dark light from the clouds in. I laid back on my bed and stared out the window. Everything about the rain is beautiful to me. My cat jumped on my bed with me and we both watch the rain hit my large glass window.

「Yoongi POV」

Rain. Out of all the weather choices, rain. I don't like the rain. The cold sticky air hitting my skin makes me sick. The gloomy sky makes me depressed and the puddles everywhere are gross and usually filled with mud. I quickly shut my window. The smell even makes me sick.

I pulled out my headphones again and listened to my music. My dog Min Holly hopped on my bed and we both laid down doing nothing.

「Next Morning」

She sat in her assigned seat. She brought earbuds with her today. She brought them so she could block anything that asshole said. He walked in later and she turned her head to stare out the window. It was still raining.

She felt someone tap her shoulder and she looked back to see. It was of course Min. She looked in disgust and looked back to the window. He yanked her earbud out causing her to giver him her full attention.

"What the hell is it?!" She whisper yelled.

"I uh, don't have a notebook and this stuff is on the test tomorrow. Do you have an extra notebo-" She cut his off my throwing an empty notebook at his face. He couldn't tell at her since she did give him a notebook.

Since he said this'd be on the test she payed attention to the teacher. It was boring old physics. Her least favorite subject. She payed attention and didn't think about the time. The bell rang and it felt like its only been 5 minutes.

She packed up and walked out. She felt someone grab her arm and she looked down.

"The hell do you want?" She said angered.

"Your notebook. Here. " He handed her the notebook and she snatched it away and walked off.

She went to lunch at her normal empty table and ate alone. She scanned around and spotted a new bunch of guys. Six new guys sat around Min. She was confused.

She pulled out her notebook to go over notes but pulled out the one she let Min borrow. He didn't pull the papers out. She yanked them out and stomped over to him. He threw the papers at him.

"Next time you borrow something of mine, which will be never, take your things out!" She started to walk away when she felt a strong hand grab her. Definitely not Min's hand. She turned and saw one of the new guys. He had a scar on his left cheek.

"Who do you think you're talking to little girl!" The one with the scar exclaimed. She tried to pull out of his grip but he was too strong. He was tightening the grip causing her arm to bruise and ache.

"You're hurting me! Let me go!" She yelled. He didn't listen.

"Hey, I think you should leave here alone now Jungkook." A tall guy walked behind her. He looked stronger than that Jungkook guy.

"Come on. I'll sit with you. " He pulled Jungkooks arm away and put his hand on my back walking me back to my table.

"My name is Jackson. Jackson Wang." He smiled and began to eat. She smiled back. She felt safer now. Not like an outcast.

「Yoongi POV」

She walked off with Jackson. She's probably gonna fall for him. He uses girls for sex. She's new so she doesn't know. I should let her find out on her own.

「Cheayeon POV」

He's so nice. And cute on top of that. Put of all the people he could be with right now he chose to save me and accompany me. Today turned out kind of good. Besides the bruise going up and down my wrist.

She was walked home by that Jackson guy. He kissed her on the cheek before letting her go inside. She blushed and butterflies flew around in her stomach.

Will she find out what he's like soon?

Hey why not just drop a Yoongi FF outta nowhere

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