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The poor man that the Druids had chained to the wall was screaming in immense pain. He was not the one they truly wanted to perform this on, but they needed to be sure it worked. Purple electricity filled the air and attacked the man's body.

Haggar sat next to her Emperor and watched from under her cloak in amusement as the man's features became smaller, more delicate.

His hair lengthened. His waist thinner, more prominent. His face softer and rounder. Even his screams became higher and higher pitched. More towards soprano than baritone. He grew a small pair of breasts and his clothes became baggy and started to fall off his now petite body.

The electricity finally ceased and the room was quiet besides the slaves heavy breathing.

The slaves pants slipped off his lower body, revealing long, slender legs, wide hips and dainty feet. His breathing was softer now. His head fell forwards and his long hair shielded his eyes. "Please, no more," He- She begged.

"Excellent work, Haggar," The deep voice of Zarkon rang out. The Druids smiled in pride. She rose and crossed the room in a puff of black smoke.

"I told you it would work," She cackled.

She looked over her shoulder and sent the Emperor a smirk that closely resembled a snarl.

"I never doubted you. Now, time to decide which of the Paladins to use it on. We could use it on the Champion that slipped through our fingers," He said.

"Like he'd let himself become captured yet again," Haggar argued. Zarkon sighed.

"The blue then?" He suggested. "He might be a viable option."

Haggar snorted as she practically floated back to her previous spot. "Already questioning his abilities as a Paladin, he is already weak," She said.

"The Green?"

'That's quiznaking Girl,' She wanted to scream.

"No, the Red one," She said. "He is fast and one of the best hand to hand combat fighters there. Besides the Champion, that is. He would be the perfect target for our little... experiments," She explained, adding a cruel smile at the end.

"Perfect. Set a course for Voltron. We are getting our Paladin. And once he is too weak to fight, we'll take control of the Lions."

"Yes, sire," She said.

A Droid entered the room to drag away the now Slave girl as Haggar adjusted the course of their main fleet to the energy signal of the Castle of Lions.

Zarkon just looked out into space as he thought that he finally had the Paladins right where he wanted them. He knew there was nowhere they could hide in this universe that he could not find them.

That annoying Altean girl should have just remained asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2017 ⏰

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