klance detention smut

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this is some really bad nsfw so if you're underaged or whatever i suggest you not read this lol.

And this is a one-shot so its only one page.

This was made for my friend Pauline because she wanted klance smut.

If you're in my class, don't fucking read this.


Lance was fiddling his thumbs impatiently. He was stuck in a half empty classroom with other troublesome kids. He swore he didn't do anything wrong. He didn't even throw the first hit.

Lance crumpled countless pieces of paper from his composition notebook. Trying to make shots into the recycling bin across the classroom, missing every time, even hitting the kids who sat in front or him. He sat all the way in the back, hoodie pulled over his head, shoes untied. He looked like a drug dealer.

Mr Kogane walks in the classroom and the chattering died down. "Alright troublemakers, shut your mouth. You are in detention and I expect you to either read silently or work on your homework alone."

Lance watches as Mr Kogane writes something on the board. His back was turned, giving Lance some time to admire his thicc ass from afar.

"Damn papi...siéntate en mi regazo" Lance whispers to himself, licking his upper lip.

When Mr Kogane turned back around, Lance groans. Great, his ass is no longer in his view.

Then suddenly, a lightbulb lights up above his head. He had an amazing idea.

He violently rips out a whole sheet of paper and crumples it. Lance tosses it across the room, at the front row.

"Who threw that?" Mr kogane jerks his head. No one raised their hands, good.

Mr kogane groaned as he walked over to the front row, bending down to pick up the ball of paper.

His juicy ass enhances for Lance's enjoyment. He quickly pulls out his phone and takes a quick picture of the hot teacher.



Lance thrusts his phone into his pocket and looks away awkwardly as Mr Kogane turns around again to face his side of the classroom.

"No phone! Whoever that was..." he said. "Otherwise I will have it prohibited. And you'll have to spend another day in detention alone this time. With me watching your every move."

This was a great opportunity to spend time alone with him. Lance smirks at the thought of it. Who knows what good shit would go down if he were alone in detention with Mr Kogane watching him.

When detention ends, Lance was the last student to leave. Just before he was heading to the door, he turns around and stares at his  teacher for a few seconds.

"Sir, i was using my phone, my apologies" Lance admits.

"Oh were you now?" Mr Kogane crosses his arms. "In that case, you have lunch detention tomorrow. I'm calling your parents to discuss your inappropriate behavior."

Lance didn't have a problem with that. If it meant him and Mr Kogane alone in a classroom, he was okay with anything.

The next day, Lance knocked on the door to room 108, the previous classroom he was in for detention. He twists the doorknob. No other teenagers were inside, just Mr Kogane, who was sitting at his desk, grading the last exam. This was his free period.

Klance in Detention NSFW SMUT(teacher x student au)Where stories live. Discover now