Part Eleven

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"Oh my god, Abby! What the hell are you doing here!?" I scream, hiding behind Holtz, who has her arms wrapped around me backwards in an attempt to help shield me. I bury my face in the back of her hair.

"Hi, Abby," Holtz says, as calm as can be. Actually, I even hear a little humor in her voice.

"I see your guys' date went well." Abby muses.

Patty comes in next and stops dead in her tracks. "Damn! Y'all ain't wasting no time getting busy!" She claps her hands and laughs.

"Well we WOULD be getting busy, if you guys hadn't twat swatted me." Holtz chuckles and Patty shakes her head.

"Beaver dammed," Abby retorts.

"Taco Blocko," Patty snaps her finger and yells.

"Cunt punt." Holtzmann.

"Clam jam." Abby.

"Bush whack." Patty.

"Clitorference." Holtzmann sings, holding up her index finger.


"We got a call and you guys didn't answer your phones. So does this mean you guys are OFFICIALLY together?" Abby's voice has more excitement in it than I think I've ever heard from her before, causing me to be even more annoyed at the situation.

"So, when we don't answer our phones, the most logical thing to do next is barge into my apartment? You didn't even knock, Abby!"

"Well, Erin Gilbert has ALWAYS vowed not to sleep with someone on the first date. So, I thought you guys just went home and weren't answering your phones. It's like four in the morning, you know?"

"You owe me $50, Abby." Patty whispers.

"You guys made a bet on whether we would sleep together or not? This just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it?." I huff.

"We couldn't help it! I KNEW you guys were gonna get busy tonight! The sexual tension exuding off you guys has been so thick we could cut it with a knife!" Patty exclaims.

"And I didn't think it would happen so soon because.... well... you're Erin Gilbert." Abby explains.

"What exactly is that supposed to mean?" I accuse.

"You're just, you know, a little prudish."

"I am NOT!" I yell.

"I was just about to get see that less prudish side when you guys came in. And actually, Patty, if the bet was that Erin and I would have sex tonight, then you lost. So far, at least." She looks back at me and winks and I hit her shoulder.

"Holtzmann! Just, follow me to the bedroom please so I can get some clothes on."

She turns around to face me and smirks. "Can I watch?" She winks. I hit her again and she rubs her arm. "How'd you know I like it a little rough, hot stuff?"

I turn around and stomp to my bedroom, no longer caring if Abby and Patty see my ass in a thong, but Holtz walks right behind me, holding onto my hips and walking bow legged to keep from stepping on my heels.

When we get into my bedroom, I continue stomping to my closet to grab jumpsuits. We all have a backup set at home, but I keep two in my closet, since I'm the one who gets slimed the most. I take them out and throw one to Holtz harshly, the heavy jumpsuit hitting her in the chest and falling to the floor. I go through the hangers viciously, trying to find the old t-shirts I keep to wear underneath.

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