Part Six

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I am not excited about going out tonight. All week long I've been dreading this night, knowing Abby, Patty and Holtz are expecting me to drink. I'm terrified I'm going to try something with Holtz again. She was obviously understanding the first time it happened, but what would she do if it happened a second time?

"What's going on in that head, baby?" Patty asks, applying eyeliner next to me. We decided to take turns getting ready as pairs so that the bathroom wouldn't be so crowded. Abby and Holtz have been ready for 45 minutes already.

"I'm just nervous." I curl my hair and look in the mirror, thankful I don't have to make eye contact.

"What are you nervous about? That you're gonna get drunk and hit on Holtzy again and she'll to reject you?" Patty's ability to read people is truly astounding sometimes.

"Is it that obvious?" I put the curler down and pick up my lipstick, applying it generously.

"No. I can just tell. The goal tonight, Erin, is just to have fun. To let loose!" Patty twirls around and gently bumps her hip with mine. "Besides, I bet someone's gonna keep you occupied, you look pretty damn hot in that dress."

"Thanks, Patty."

I smile half heartedly at her while my mind remembers how gorgeous Holtzmann looked. I couldn't keep my eyes off her when she stepped out of that bathroom. She was wearing black slacks that fit her perfectly and accentuated her amazing thighs and ass; a white button up shirt with a black blazer; black Doc Martens; and a bright red tie to top it off.

Inspired to look even half as good as Holtzmann (mostly to see if I could get a rise out of her), I put on my tightest black, strapless dress. It's very simple, but it's pretty lowcut and I basically have to squeeze into it. Once I had it on, I seriously considered changing because I swear you can make out every outline and dimple my body has. But Patty convinced me to wear it. She said it's the hottest outfit she's ever seen me wear.

"Ready?" Patty asks.

"I guess." I huff.

Patty exits the bathroom first, and I follow behind closely as we make our way downstairs. When Patty steps to the side, effectively forcing me out of hiding, it looks as if Holtz's eyes widen in shock for just a second. It's gone almost as soon as I notice it, though, and I wonder if maybe I just imagined it.

"You guys look amazing!" Abby exclaims.

Our Uber arrives and Abby and Patty make their way to the door. I grab my jacket, heading that way also, but Holtzmann gently grabs my shoulder and turns me around to face her.

"I just wanted you to know," she starts sheepishly, looking down at her feet with her hands shoved deep her trouser pockets. "That you look really beautiful tonight."

The unexpected compliment catches me by surprise and I grin from ear to ear. Her awkwardness about it only strengthens the sincerity of the words. "Thank you, Holtzmann. You look amazing, also."

She smiles and looks back up to meet my eyes."We better get going. Wouldn't want the others to think we're doing the nasty in here or something." She winks and I shake my head, rolling my eyes at her.

"In your dreams, Holtzmann."

"Every night, Gilbert."

If she only knew.


When we get inside the club, Abby and Patty take one side of the booth, forcing Holtzmann and I on the other. I'm pretty sure they did this on purpose, because the seats are small so no matter what amount of arranging we do, Holtz's thighs are constantly touching mine. I can literally feel every part of my skin she's touching and a slow, liquid heat forms low in my belly.

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