the calm

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1 [ the calm ]


Suitcase, check.
Trolley, check.
Backpack, check.
Self, check.

I hoisted the one of my backpack straps onto my shoulder with my right hand, while I used my left to hold my phone to my ear. My mom was calling to make sure I was set for the next few days/weeks/months. I was traveling to Europe alone, and she's terrified that I'll deface property or something.

Why are parents like this?

"Do you have everything you need with you?" My mom asked over the phone.

"Yes," I replied. "I double checked last night. Triple checked in the morning."

"Good girl," She commented. "How about your passport? Boarding pass?"

I just turned 23, but I swear she treats like I'm still the same age that I was 20 years ago. I chuckled softly. "Yes, mom." I assured her. "I've gone through security and everything. I'm waiting at the gate right now."

Why was I heading to Europe in my lonesome, you ask? Well, I don't know either.

Not that this was a spur-of-the-moment trip — believe me, it took me weeks to persuade my parents to let me go alone. I guess I just needed a breath of fresh air.

A huge breath of oxygen without any trace of my crumbling life.

"Flight 1006 to London is now boarding." A voiceover crackled to life in the overhead speakers, which slightly startled me. "Passengers, please present your boarding passes and passports at Gate 6, thank you."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Mom, I have to go. Flight's boarding."

"Alright, honey," She said. "Enjoy your trip. Call me when you land, okay?"

"I will. Bye,"

London, here I come.



I looked out at the airplane window, letting a soft sigh escape my lips as I watched the blanket of clouds slowly float by. I was on a plane en route to beautiful London – alone, sadly.

"Mr. Jonathan Cozart?" I looked up to see a formally dressed man smiling down at me. "Hi, I'm Ted Moore from Contiki. We met at the gate?"

I shook his offered hand as I nodded. "Yes, yes. Nice to meet you," I replied. "Please, call me Jon."
This is such a formal exchange, I just absolutely love it.

"May I?" He gestured to the empty seat next to me.

"Of course,"

He takes the seat and smiles at me. "I just wanted to let you know everything you're gonna do once we get to London, since you're gonna start right away."

I nodded. "There's not really much to it except some challenges you're gonna do on camera — don't worry, nothing too extreme." He explains. "You are gonna be followed around by a crew, which I hope you're okay with."

A crew? More businessmen to deal with? No. "Yeah, it's okay,"

"Perfect." Mr. Moore commented.

As the man listed down everything I had to do on this trip, I zoned out furthermore. I just couldn't stop thinking about what could've been if — nevermind.

The truth is, I wasn't supposed to be alone on this trip. I was supposed to be with a very close friend. A friend that I used to see as something more, at some point in time.. But friendship is golden and I didn't want to ruin that so I kept quiet about my emotions and they eventually faded. Not that it was the best solution to moving on, but I still did, didn't I?

It just sucks to explore a whole new part of the world and not be able to share it with someone, when you almost could have. Sort of a wasted opportunity, you know?

These thoughts were still in my mind as Mr. Moore finished and left for his seat. The sun was starting to set and I was starting to feel tired from sitting all this time, but I couldn't help but to check my phone for one more time.

from: dodie
hey, i just found out i won't be able to make it.
sorry :( x

I sighed. This is gonna be a long flight.


did this chapter come off as rambly and half-assed? because i feel like it comes off as rambly and half-assed.

hiya! 'rae' here. it feels weird writing under a name that is not my real name lol

anyway, if you like this story so far, give this chapter a vote and maybe a comment, too! i'd appreciate it a lot.

lol um okay bye

x, h1raeth

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