women's and children's center.

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"Thank you, have a lovely rest of the evening," I hand the girl her money, "oh wait! One free cupcake for being the last costumer." I smiled as I packed up a single vanilla cupcake and handed it to her.

Once she had left, I locked up the shop and started wiping down the tables. My phone then started ringing, I grab it from my pocket. I answer the call and place my phone between my shoulder and my cheek, then continuing wiping down the tables.

"Hello," I rinse the rag and continue wiping.

"Hey, Lupe, I was wondering if you can take Irma? They called me into work and my mom went out," George spoke as I could hear Irma giggling.

"Can you drop her off? I'm still at work," I sighed.

"I can't, work is on the opposite side of the city, you know that," I heard him shuffling around.

"I can't go get her, I have to finish cleaning and take the cupcakes to the shelter," I began sweeping the floors.

"Can your mom take her?"

"My mom is working night shift, I'll call Ashton to pick her up."

"Okay, text me," we said our goodbyes then hanging up. I called Ash, mumbling 'pick up' over and over.

"Lupe!" Ashton spoke cheerfully.

"Hey, Ash, I need a huge favor," I bite my lip.

"Sure, what's up?" I heard shuffling and a jingle of keys.

"Could you pick up Irma from George's place? He got called into work," I finished sweeping and started to mop the floors. "I can't get her because I'm still cleaning up here."

"Yeah, of course, text me the address," we said our goodbyes and hung up. I texted Ashton his address and texted Geo that he was on his way.


I was just finishing up the dishes and putting all the left over cupcakes in to-go boxes when I heard a knock at the door. When I peeked, I say it was Ashton, I rushed over and unlocked the door.

"Where's Irma?" was the first thing I said when I saw that my baby wasn't in his arms.

"She's in the car with Calum, I just came to get you so we can leave."

"Okay good, help me with these to go boxes," I pointed over to the counter with the boxes. I picked some up and went outside to his car, finding the trunk already open, then stacking the boxes neatly.

"Is that all of them?" he stacked the other boxes.

"Yeah, let me go lock up," I went back into the shop and closed the curtains then leaving making sure to lock the door. I headed back to the car and when I opened the back door, I see Calum and Irma asleep, Irma's head was laying on Cal's lap. I smiled at the adorable sight as I closed the door and climbed into the passenger seat.

"Where to?"

"Women's and children's center on State," I directed him.


"Lupe! Welcome back," I smiled at the director of the center.

"Hey, Mary," I place the cupcake boxes down on the counter and signed in on the log.

"You are such a saint for bringing these over," she takes the clipboard after I finish signing in.

"It's nothing, I'm just glad I could bring some type of joy," I nodded before grabbing the boxes and taking them to the kitchen where I great more employees. Ashton was strolling behind me with the other boxes, greeting the people with smiles.

"We can set them down here," I pointed at the table, then setting them down and opening the boxes up. "They should be coming down soon and you can help me give them out," I smiled.

"Why don't you let the lunch ladies hand them out?"

"I like to see the smiles on the children and the mothers, they had gone through so much and I want to be apart of their happiness. Even if it is for something as small as cupcake," I smiled.

Ash simply nodded and as they come in, the grab their dinner and I hand them their cupcake, smiling and nodding when they thank me.

"Juan is allergic to peanuts and he loves cookies, give him the Oreo cupcake," I told Ash and he hurriedly gets Juan the cupcake. Juan smiles gratefully and hugs Ashton's waist, then waving as he walks away.

"Do you know everyone here?" Ash waves back at Juan.

"For the most part, yes. My mom would always bring my here to drop off clothes that we bought from thrift shopping or if we had yard sales we'd give the money to the center," I spoke as I handed out the cupcakes.

"Wow, I don't think I've actually heard anyone say that they did this sort of thing."

"Growing up as a child, my mom was the oldest of three and she didn't really have much. She had to leave the 7th grade to work in a vineyard in mexico with my grandma," all the cupcakes were gone and there were no more people coming in. We were folding up the boxes to toss them in the recycling bin.

"My mom would dig through the donation bins for clothes for her and her siblings since they couldn't afford to actually buy new clothes. She had my oldest brother at 17 so it was even harder for her to work. But she was able to get her GED and build a life for herself and she gives because she knows the struggle since she went through it," I sighed as I tossed the last box in the recycling bin.

"Wow, I don't know what to say," Ashton mumbled as we passed the front desk and said goodbye to Mary.

"It's fine, I just love giving back," I smiled softly as we got back to the car.

"Thank you for letting me be apart of this, it truly does feel amazing," he opened the passenger door for me and I thanked him before letting him close the door.

Calum and Irma were still knocked out in the backseat, they were so adorable. Just looking at them is making me tear up, I assume Ashton sees this so he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers. I smile at him as the music played softly in the background and I hum to it.

A/N: another chapter is up, how's life?

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