Im normal sort of

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Hello Internet!
I'm Daniel Howell.

I live with my best friend in England and to say that my employment is hard to an understatement.
A youtuber

But at least I have my best friend Phil to help me with that, he's much better at explaining it then me and I don't like talking.

We live in a satisfactory apartment, I mean if you disregard the gas leak incident or the various noises that come catapulting at us from every angle. I suppose it's okay...
But the amount of times I have run into that fucking glass kitchen door I'm surprised that it hasn't broken me or the door.

But anyway, that's just my normal life. Where I am a semi-functioning human being. Well I try to be.
You see-the reason I'm so bad at being...normal, is because I'm not normal. But that's okay.
I'm just doing my best, at life and that's all I can do-I guess.

But let's get back on track and address that reasoning behind my little tale telling time.

This is the story of when me, the 'not so normal' one, realised just how different my life actually was.
And how much it effected everything I did.
Especially around Phil, who knows what could happen.
If one of us was to draw blood.

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