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London 8:30 am

It was just another summer day in the city of London,people travelled in swarms to get to work,the humid air unveiled the city's ancient stench and last but not least some bloke influenced by ISIS propaganda is wondering around with 30KG of C4 in his bag.

He was a rather lean bloke in a white tracksuit, he was sweating like a pig but his eyes were keen The only thing between him and getting his fifteen minutes of fame are a bunch of stalkers with salaries. Well technically they're a team of MI5 surveillance officers but Gareth was never one to mince words.

A team of four were observing the target. Mark and Tyrell a team of survilnce officers in their mid twenties were in a white surveillance van monitoring all CCTV cameras in the area. The van was fairly small but it got the job done.

Advanced surveillance equipment was on one side and a pile of snacks were on the other. The pair had been in there since 6:30 not knowing for sure when the target would show up.

Louise and Nadia a second pair also in their mid twenties were posing as two friends on on their way to work with the classic blazer/dress combination and communications devices built into cups of coffee.

Last but not least the lone wolf himself Gareth. Known as the old dog of the team due to his decades of experience in the field and his unwillingness to use the latest operational technology or OT.

He's assumed the identity of a homeless man. He'd marinated his disguise in alcohol and urine for the past week before leaving it out to dry for the operation,he also put in a set of grimy false teeth for good measure. He's sat down on the pavement, feet crossed and begging for change outside the St Paul's train station station.

"Beanstalk is on the move, I repeat Beanstalk is on the move." Tyrell said whilst watching the suspect codenamed Beanstalk like a hawke through the moniters.
"Copy, we're following." Nadia whispered whilst having a sip of coffee.

"Keep your distance ladies." Gareth whispered into a tiny microphone attached to a beer bottle before taking a swig.
"Ah we've got this yah old dog." Louise whispered through the mug whilst making sure her and Nadia didn't get to close.

" Beanstalk had two potential  destinations depending what stage these pricks are at, St Paul's cathedral or St Paul's station." Mark said with his eyes glued to the monitors.
"Plan A Nadia and Louise tail 'im to the cathedral until SO19 arrive , plan B Garry tails 'im in the station until SO19 show up." Tyrell said whilst tracking the current location of the SO19 unit that's on it's way.

Nadia and Louise chat a bunch of civie nonsense they rehearsed a few hours ago whilst tailing Beanstalk.
Louise was taking photos of beanstalk discreetly with her phone.

The photos were taken from multiple angles so S019 didn't bag the wrong guy,sweat flowed down his head like a waterfall but he wasn't suspicious of Louise or Nadia who were hot on his heals.

Beanstalk took a sharp turn past Gareth and entered the station. Louise and Nadia didn't follow,without a second disquse a continued pursuit wasn't an option.
SO19 were five minutes out,Gareth just had to stay on Beanstalk until they arrived.

Gareth got up and entered the station in a zig zag fashion maintaining his cover,but in reality he couldn't be more alert. Beanstalk queued up to top up his Oyster travel card and Gareth was in the quee about three people behind.

Gareth knew Beanstalk wasn't planning on blowing anyone up today,he was simply transporting the explosives to a safe house in Stratford so they could plan to blow up the cathedral another day.
But still he wonders about all the worst case scenarios.What if Beanstalk realises he's being followed and takes a hostage,What if he sees SO19 storm in and has enough time to detonate the explosives rather than being taken alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2018 ⏰

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