Chapter 1

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"Now, lets see, lets see." Said Eliza, as she sat at what seemed to be her bed, though it was covered with so many books and pieces of parchment that one could barely tell. She stood up, (Knocking several books off of her bed, revealing a clean, white bedspread) and paced around the room looking up and down, then she stopped suddenly and turned towards the door. "MIA! Where's my letter?" She called, and darted out of the bedroom and into the room across the hall. "MIA! Where is my letter?" Eliza said again, staring down at the little girl who sat at a little pink coffee table, drinking tea and coloring with her dolls. Mia looked up and smirked.

"I don't know." She replied "And why do you want to go to Wart-hog's anyway?"

"UGH! Mia, It's HOGWARTS! And I've finally been accepted, I NEED that letter!" Shouted Eliza, as she waved her hands in the air as if trying to get someone's attention.

"Fine, But why do you want to leave so bad anyway. Don't you love me? Or Mother? Or Father?" Mia, looked down with tears in her eyes, than after a few seconds, she stood up and went to her bedside table and retrieved an opened envelope. Eliza Sighed.

"Mia, of course I love you all, but I have to go, this is a great opportunity , and you'll understand. Besides, you'll be going soon, won't you?" She bent down and brushed Mia's strawberry-blonde hair out of her eyes. " But hey, while I'm gone, take care of everyone for me okay? Someone's got to deal with Mum's hormones." She added, smiling. Mia looked up at her sister and smiled, there were tears in her eyes, and stains running down her cheeks. Eliza brushed them off, took the letter, and went back to her bedroom with a pounding sadness deep in her chest. She would miss her family a great deal, But her mother and even her grandparents had all gone to this school and it was an honor to go to Hogwarts. She sat back down on her bed and read her acceptance letter again. She had been so excited to receive it yesterday morning from a large barn owl that she must of read it at least one hundred times.


Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryHeadMaster: Minerva Mcgonagall

Dear Miss Brook,

We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on 1September. We await your owl no more than the 31July.

Yours Sincerely,

Filius Flitwick

Deputy Headmaster


Eliza rolled over onto a pile of books and sighed, clutching the letter to her chest. She lay there for a while, and when she finally heard the clock downstairs chime ten times, she decided to go to bed. She carefully stood up, then shoved all of the books to the side of the bed, and she crawled under the covers, where she fell asleep.

That night, Eliza had terrible nightmares and tossed and turned. She even woke a few times to toss aside Magical Mayhem or The Great Life of Harry Potter. But her last nightmare, was the one she truly remembered even after she awoke.

She was walking through Diagon Alley, all alone, and when she looked to the right, she saw the ghostly corpse of her great grandmother's, Molly Weasley and Lily Potter Senior. The ghosts approached, her moaning warnings in low voices, something about... a dereliction stone? Anyways, suddenly a something grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back. "I know you." Said a mysterious voice, and when she turned around, she screamed, but then- well, then she woke up. That part she didn't get. Why would I scream if I hadn't seen what was so frightening? And why was the dream so vivid and life-like? If only I...

"Eliza!" she heard her mother call from downstairs. " Eliza, come down here, we've got to go soon!" Eliza stood up and shook her head. She dressed quickly in deep orange robes and pulled on her trainers. Her owl, Yasha ( which means to deliver, in hebrew) hooted unhappily from the windowsill.

"Sorry Yasha, but you should of pecked me or something last night if you're hungry." Eliza said, as she held out a box labeled Roger's Owl Biscuit, and Yasha dipped in her head graciously, and pulled out a circular biscuit. Then, Eliza ran downstairs, into the kitchen, making a lot of noise as she went. Suddenly, there was a loud cry from the hall.

" Mudbloods! Filth! Traitors, Creatures of Scum IN MY house! Blood Traitors!" The ranting went on, and Eliza flinched and stopped in the hallway to turn around.The old curtains in the hall had flung open, revealing a portrait of a chubby, nasty looking woman.

"Oh Eliza, Did you really have to be so loud?" Her father asked her, as he ran up the stairs, his wand drawn, and he attempted to close the curtains. He was a strong looking man with a kind face and the same dark blonde hair as Eliza. "KREACHER!" He called, and there was a loud CRACK and some weird animal appeared out of thin air. It was like an overgrown naked rat with hair just on the top of his with huge ears and a sour expression on his face. Now, this would seem abnormal to any outsiders, but this was perfectly normal to the Brook family because Kreacher was the house-elf that was passed down from generation to generation along with the house. The home had once belonged to her grandfather, Harry Potter, but he gave it to Eliza's mother, Lily Luna Potter as a gift when she graduated. Her family had grown from there and they had stayed there ever since, even when Eliza's mother met her father, Percival Ludo Brook.

"Sorry Dad." Eliza said, and she walked down the stairway, cringing as the portrait began to swear.

"Goodness, Eliza. It took you long enough. And why did you have to wake Walburga Black? We are not going to have enough time to get your things in diagon alley, and your father is going to be late for work at the ministry!" Her mother scolded, as she set a piece of bread in front of Eliza. "INCENDIO!" Mrs. Brook Said, pointing a knobbly black wand at the peice of bread, and it suddenly caught fire. With another flick of her wand, the fire was gone and a perfect piece of browned toast lay on her plate.

"I can't wait until I get to do that." Eliza said, looking at her mother longingly. She laughed merrily. " You will soon enough, after all, you were accepted into the best wizarding school on the continent." Her mother said, patting her head fondly. " But you still can't walk down the stairs without causing a huge success, now can you?" Just then, Mia poked her head through the doorway and smirked at Eliza than ran to hug her mother. " See, Mia is only five years old, but she can manage not to awaken the most annoying thing in this house."

"She already is the most annoying thing in this house." Eliza mumbled, and Mia stuck her tongue out at her sister, and Eliza stuck her tongue out back. Berp Berp

" I expect that's Albus, come girls, put on your coats, we mustn't keep your uncle waiting. It was very kind of him to take us all the way to Diagon Alley on his way to work." Her mother said cheerfully. Eliza pulled on a purple cloak and bent down to help Mia button on her light blue cloak over her shockingly pink robes. They both ran outside when they were finished, followed by their mother, who wore a light gold robe, with a her acid green cloak.

" UNCLE ALBUS!" Mia and Eliza cried, as they yanked open the doors to a silver BMW. 

Return of the Resurrection StoneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant