Chapter Three

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My heart fluttered and I steeled myself not to get all warm and gooey over David, a guy I barely knew.

“Hey, Sarah, Kelly.”

I shot him a smile over my shoulder, then turned back to Sarah, hoping that would be enough for him.

Turns out…. not so much.

Next thing I knew, he was on my left, towering over Sarah and me. Right then, I wished I had my camera. The photographer in me pictured David wearing that sexy tux and leaning against a door frame, ankles crossed, a faraway look in his eyes, bow tie loosened and his hands stuffed in the pockets. Black and white, matte finish.

His weight rested on one leg, like he was in no hurry to leave. That pose would’ve made a great shot too. “How’s your nose?” he asked.

“All good now. Thanks for asking. And thanks for the save out there.” I gave him another smile, but it faltered when he narrowed his eyes ever so slightly.

“David, what movie are you working on now?” Sarah asked, jumping to my rescue.

“I’m between projects.” His eyes flashed to mine. “I’m home a lot these days.”

Sarah gave a nervous giggle. “That’s great.”

Oh, geez, if Sarah buckled in his presence, how could I be expected to do any better?

Damn, he smelled good. A little bit musky and a whole lot of yum.

David nodded, his gaze steady on me. “Maybe I could switch seats with Sarah and she could sit with my brother. You remember, Dave, don’t you, Sarah? He's been asking about you.”

“Uh…” Her words stuck in her throat and, for a moment, she seemed torn.

“Sarah and I are going over some things.” I opened my tiny purse and pretended to look through it. "Privately. Maybe next time?"

David’s brows lowered as he studied me. “You two are up to something. You’re both acting weird. You,” he aimed an index finger at me, “especially.”

“Ha,” I scoffed. “It’s business as usual. We just have a lot going on.”

“I’m not buying it.” One corner of his mouth curved up. “You’re sitting with me.”

My jaw went slack as I stared at him, unsure how to respond. If I said no, would he become even more suspicious? Plus, my resistance was breaking down. I mean, hello? I’d crushed on him for years and here he was asking me to sit next to him in the dark. How much did Kelly expect me to take?

Sarah gave a nervous laugh. “Kelly and I are working.”

“Now?” He shook his head. “Come on.”

“Sure, if it makes you happy,” I told David, trying to convince myself that giving in to his request was only to keep up the charade. Kelly was Sarah’s boss. I needed to act like it. Right? “You and I can go over that stuff later.”

Sarah looked panicked, but what choice did I have?

He pressed his lips into a straight line, like he was suppressing a smile, and offered his arm. “You look beautiful tonight.”

I stood and slipped my arm through his. “Thank you. You look…” Dallicious? I couldn’t say that. “Good too.”

He chuckled as we entered the theater. Oh, Lord, he had a sexy voice, all low and growly.

Once we found our seats, Sarah’s gaze followed the direction of David’s index finger. A slightly older version of David waved from a seat near the next aisle over.

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