Link, do something! The wisp shouted.

He looked up. He had seconds left. With one final effort he turned. Crouched down, bending his knees slightly, and used all his strength to push off the ground and into the air. He performed a back flip that he didn't even know was high enough to avoid the fire. His back skimmed the flames, and he landed with a splash in the puddle, putting out the beginnings of a fire on his back, turning his tunic and blue effectively knocking the breath out of him. He rolled onto his hands and knees, coughing, the feeling of triumph returning as the false ceiling slammed onto the ground, sending sparks flying.

That was close. The wisp sighed. Don't scare me like that. You need to be more careful.

He nodded his head in agreement, still coughing and out of breath. After a few minutes he was able to breathe again and stood up. He looked around for another puddle closer to the switch. He followed the same pattern, throwing rocks and making a run for it, eventually making it to that puddle as well.

There was only one more puddle closer to the switch, and the rock skidding across the floor told him it was almost a straight shot from where he was to there. He sprinted in that direction as soon as the ceiling was high enough, but he only made it half-way before he heard a sound he'd heard once before.

He jumped back just as the Skulltula's body slammed the ground where he was standing. When it realized it missed him it hissed, spraying green colored venom out of it mouth, and advanced towards him.

With the fire wall barrier, he had no where to go but back, and he did so, inching backwards, his boots sliding across the stone as it advanced on him. He was getting closer to the puddle he'd come from, the ceiling was getting closer to the floor, and he planned to let the Skulltula be crushed by it, but then his boot hit something, and he looked back reflexively. He realized it was just a rock by the skipping sound it made on the floor before he turned to look but he'd already lost eye contact with the Skulltula and it took that time to strike.

It was tackling him to the ground before he had a chance to react, sending both of them flying, Link's back skidding through the water as it tried to get at his neck. He held it back with all his might and he tried to think of another plan. The ceiling slammed the ground behind his head and then the answer was obvious.

He waited for the false ceiling to go back up, his arms struggling to hold the Skulltula’s fangs back. When the ceiling finally began its decent, he used the same technique he used on the first Skulltula he faced on the one he faced now to launch it over his head and onto its back, struggling to get up.

He heard it scream as the ceiling struck the floor, and he rolled off his back and into a standing position just in time to see the Skulltula disappear in a puff of purple smoke, and then watched as the smoke dissipated into thin air.

He turned back to the task at hand without a second glance, already quite used to the mysterious things that happened in the tower. He sprinted to the next puddle with ease, now that the Skulltula was out of the way. He was then at the puddle of water nearest to the switch, just close enough to sprint over, activate it, and sprint back, but the rock he threw told him that the switch was surrounded on all four sides by the fire walls.

The switch should be activated by contact, try throwing something. The wisp suggested.

Link picked up another small rock, this time aiming for the switch, but it did little more than glance off of the crystal and skitter across the floor.

Maybe something a little bigger? There's a clay pot over here by this puddle. She moved over to where the pot was to show him.

He walked over to the puddle she told him about with ease, and picked up the clay pot. He turned back to the switch. It was bit further away than it was at the other puddle, but he knew he could throw far enough to make it there either way.

He held the clay pot in his left hand, weighing it, and then he reared back, and launched it across the fifteen foot span of stone floor, and it hit its mark exactly, shattering and clanking to the floor.

The switch activated, the falling ceiling slowed to a stop in mid air, and then it began to rise up again. When it reached to a stop, Link heard some noises, like a lock clicking into place. He waited, but the ceiling didn't come down again.

Looks like the switch shut it off. The wisp said. See if it shut the fire off, too.

He did, and the rock skittered all the way across the floor, with no sign of a fire wall at all.

"Do you think that's all it did?" He asked as he walked back to the door he came from, as it was the only one in the room.

I highly doubt it. She said. If that switch doesn't open the way to a new room, it would be a dead end. There would be no other way to navigate the tower.

"So you think it opened one of the doors in the hallway we came from." He stated.

Yes, that's what I think.

"Then let’s go."

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