Attacking A Teacher... Woop, Woop ~not edited~

Start from the beginning

"The jokes on you again, Severes," Sirius snarled. "As long as this boy brings his rat to the castle - " he jerked his head at Ron. "I'll come quietly."

I sent a questioning gaze at Dani who whispered what I missed while I was out. Pettigrew was Scabbers? Weird.

"Up to the castle?" Snape asked silkily. "I don't think we need to go that far. All I need to do is call the Dementors to the Willow. They'll be pleased to see you Black... Pleased to give you a kiss, I daresay... I-"

What little color in Sirius' face left.

"You - you've got to hear me out," Sirius croaked. "The rat, look at the rat..."

But there was a mad glint in Snape's eye that I've never seen before, he looked beyond reason. I held my wand higher.

"Come on, all of you," he said, flicking his wand and the end of the cords that bounded Lupin flew to his hand. "I'll drag the werewolf, perhaps the Dementors will kiss him too..."

My anger flared and I ran across the room, blocking the door. My wand was held tightly in my hand, ready to curse when I needed to.

"Get out of the way, Miss Potter, your already in enouph trouble," Snape snarled. "If I haven't been here to save your skin-"

"Oh, please, save me from your lame excuses," I snapped. "Your not here to save us, your here to get revenge on two innocent men."

"Innocent?" Snape sneered.

"Yes, innocent," I said tightly, because even I wasn't sure if they were innocent. "Let Professor Lupin go. He hasn't done anything."

"Except help a mass murderer inside the castle," Snape said triumphantly.

"Professor Lupin could have killed Harry and I any time this year," I said angrily. "We've been alone with him loads of times, having defense lessons against the Dementors. If he was helping Sirius, why didn't he finish us off then?"

"Don't ask me to fathom the way a werewolves mind works," hissed Snape. "Get out of the way, Miss Potter."

"Your pathetic," I replid coldly. "Just because they made a fool out of you at school you won't even listen-"

"SILENCE! I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT!" Snape shreiked, looking madder then ever. "Your just like your father, Potter. I have just saved your neck; you should be thanking me on bending knee! You would have been well surved if he had killed you! You'd have died like your father, too arrogent to believe you've might been mistaken about Black - now get out of the way or I'll make you. GET OUT OF THE WAY, POTTER!"

I raised my wand more quickly than anyone would have thought possible.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled; though I wasn't the only one who had shouted it. There was a blast that made the door rattle on its hinges; Snape was lifted off his feet and slammed into the wall, then slid down it to the floor, a trickle of blood oozing down from his hair. He had been knocked out.

I looked around. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Bonnie, and Dani had tried to disarm Snape at the same moment. Snape's wand flew in an arc and landed softly on the bed next to Crookshanks.

"You shouldn't have done that," Sirius said, looking at me. "You should have left him to me..."

I smiled at him. "I'm sorry, but I've been waiting three years to do that, I couldn't pass up the oppertunity."

"We attacked a teacher..." Hermione whimpered, staring at the lifeless Snape with frightened eyes. "We attacked a teacher... Oh we're going to be in so much trouble-"

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