Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


A lot of events zoomed passed after the shooting star/alien ship had crashed landed a few metres away from Honeydew's former hovel hut. It all came too fast to seep into the dwarf's head that all he had been doing was taking care of two human shaped aliens and trying to teach them some decent English. Admittedly, Honeydew was almost afraid when he had chosen to scavenge the wreckage.

He didn't know what he had intended to find. But haven't Honeydew had saved Xephos and Caeryn: he would probably be starving and sick from the cold. And in all honestly: Honeydew will probably be blown up by a swarm of creepers or sniped by a skeleton.

Once Honeydew had comforted the two after they had returned to the ship, he decided to ease them at the English language and Minecraftian objects. Xephos, a man who seemed to particularly be more of a leader type: was very compelled with getting things done and learning very quick. He was almost like a soldier apart from Xephos' loosen character which Honeydew presumed to only take effect whenever he has with Caeryn.

On the other hand, Caeryn was less of a tinkerer and more of a healer. Honeydew was surprised by how she had managed to work out the bandages and ointments, making new appliances such as Xephos' new walking stick which improved the support on the arm.

The two were slowly learning new words, like different types of materials and verbs and nouns. However, it was very difficult for Honeydew to teach them human emotion words, as it seemed to be quite difficult.

"Happy is like this," Honeydew said to Caeryn whilst they were cooking dinner, pointing at the smile on his face.

Caeryn responded, "Ha-ppy...Happy?"

"Yeah, that's good," He nodded. "Now let's recap, what is this emotion?" He scrunched up his eyebrows, holding an angry facial expression to Caeryn and Xephos.

"Angry," Xephos pointed out, who smugly smiled at Caeryn for getting it correct.

He watched the woman roll her eyes and spoke back in another language that Honeydew had no idea what it had meant. When the dwarf noticed their interaction, he had first thought of the two space people to have been married, but neither of them held a ring and their faces were fairly similar to each other. Honeydew was amused at the end of their sibling rivalry, as he found out that the two liked to bicker about when it came to speaking English.

Caeryn had finished the cooked chicken whilst Honeydew had baked a dozen set of his favourite delicacy: jaffa cakes. When he slid them out of the oven, he took a sniff and sighed at the nostalgic aroma which reminded him of his dwarven home. His wife used to bake these every morning before he left for the mines. Now, he must force himself to forget about his previous life and move on.

"Is it good?" He asked in anticipation to Xephos and Caeryn after taking each a bite of a jaffa cake.

Smiling, Caeryn was the first one to nod: "It's good!"

"Good," Xephos followed, grabbing another one.

Honeydew beamed at his cooking and replied: "Thank you; It's not perfect...but I'm not exactly a good cook."

Dinner was tidied up afterwards, and Honeydew continued to place coal into the fire for the warmth and light. There were moans and groans coming echoing from the walls of the small home, making his skin shiver every time he blinked. Honeydew could almost feel their presence slowly crawling to him. Those monsters...

"Honeydew," A voice called to the dwarf, causing Honeydew to jump. The coal went everywhere and he quickly cursed before grabbing them off the ground again. Looking up, he spotted Xephos staring down at him. The alien's eyes glowed blue enigmatically in the dimmed room, with his eyebrows furrowed with concerned.

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