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"Important encounters are planned by the souls long before the bodies see each other."


Rowan POV

"Get here you fucking piece of trash!" my body reacts swiftly, ducking behind the chipped paint of the decaying oak wood frame door of our poor excuse of a living room. The empty bottle that was formerly filled with a cheaply amber alcoholic liquid crashes instantly in the place where my head was seconds ago. The hard impact of solid against dainty crystal ending in thousands of shattered sharp pieces flying everywhere and some even cutting the places where my skin is exposed.

My body can't dwell on the pain for long, as filthy scarred hands take possession of my small ankles giving a merciless pull. The hard rough skin with its black unhealthy nails and split fingertips repulses me to no end, but I bite my tongue and swallow the desperate urge to cry as I'm dragged to his dominant anatomy.

Withered Fate (BxB/Paul Imprint Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin