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Takes place during Eclipse

Memories blur my eyes. Both my body and soul are withering away. I'm dying slowly from grief; my years had been shortened by this sadness. Sin has drained whatever was left of my strength; I am wasting away from within...

Would he be able to save me? Only fate will tell.


SPECIAL WARNING *Insert badass skull emoji here*:


Coarse language (checked)

Both verbal and physical abuse (checked)

Mature themes as in physical interactions between individuals of the same sex as is BxB (slash) (checked)

Death, violence and other gruesome themes (double checked)

I'm not promoting these topics in any way, just know that this is a work of fiction, there's no harm intended. I won't change the plot I've already planned so if some of you feel offended or touched I'm sorry, but I'm not forcing you to read this, just remember that this story is rated M for a reason.

Now that we've covered the essentials you may proceed, have a happy reading! ;D


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