Chapter 5

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Mr. Devil

© All Rights Reserved 2017

Lola Martinez


* Three Months Later *

I can't belive it's been three months already. Time flies so fast.

So I looked for another apartment here as soon as I could, and found this amazing guy named Aiden who needed a partner because he couldn't pay the whole rent by himself.

Lucky me.

When I went to met him I froze on his doorstep the second he opend his door. He's so freaking HOT.

He had blonde hair with big blue eyes, he was a least 6'1 and had wide shoulders. He had a sleeve tattoo all over his right arm with a big cross and flowers. Oh and he had a piercing in his nose!

Freaking gorgeous.

You're probably asking what happened with mr. Rude Man, well, nothing.

Nothing happened.

He saw it was me, blinked, and walked away. Like I wasn't even there. Idiot.

I can't tell you why he did this because I don't know myself. He's so weird, and then he calles me a creep.

I'm currently working in a restaurant, trying to get money to pay the rent with my boyfriend Aiden.

Did I mentioned Aiden's my boyfriend? Well, he is.

I don't know how the hell we got there, but one moment he was asking me questions about my family, and the next moment I was in his bed with his head between my thigs.

Call me what ever you want, but I don't regret a single moment where I was in his bed. Actually, I want to do it again.

We went for a few dates afterwardes which ended in his bed of course, and it seemed like he really wanted to know me. Something that was special to me, because all the men that I've been with only wanted my body. So it's a good thing to know that not all men are selfish.

Where was I? Oh, right. Restaurant.

So I live with my boyfriend in his apartment and we both pay the rent. I just really hope he won't breakup with me and kick me out, but I think I over react. He likes me.

I think.

"Hey Maria, can you take this order to table three for me? I have to answer this call." said Keran, another waitres here.

"Sure, no problem."

"Thank you, the table is right over there." Keran said and pointed at the table with the reading man sitting in it. I nodded and went towards the table with a fake smile on my face.

"Here is your order sir, enj-
Fuck me."

The man who was reading was no other then the Rude Man from the plain and the club!

Is he stalking me?! He's everywhere!

The Rude Man put the book down and looked at me with a smirk. "Sure, where do you want to do it?"

I looked behind me for a second. "What the hell are you doing here? And everywhere I go? Are you fucking stalking me?" I whispered to him.

"Stalking you?" he mocked. "You're not that important to me, creep. In fact, you're not important to me at all. I don't even know you to stalk you." he went back to reading his book, but I wasn't done with him.

"Then why are you here? Why are you everywhere I go? Club? Here?" I asked frustrated.

"I come here every day. Why are you here?" he turned my question towards me now.

"I work here."

"Since when?"

"Last week."

"I come here every day for the last five years." he smirked again.

That son of a bitch.

"Oh yeah?"


"Well... Well... Enjoy your meal!" I almost shouted at his face.

"Thank you, I will if you'll get the hell out of my face." 

I gave him a fake smile, flipped him off and went. Fucking jerk.

I heard him laugh silently behind me.

"Is everything OK?" Karen asked me when she came back. I probably look like a freaking murderer with the look on my face. And it's all because of him. He just has to be everywhere.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you done?" I asked in a fake smile, just wanting to go out of here as soon as possible.

"Yeah I'm done. You're good to go." she smiled.

"Thank you, good night."

"Good night."

I hope I won't be seeing his face tomorrow.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted here a while now, I have a family thing going on right now.

Please correct me if you see any spelling mistake!

Dont forget to VOTE and COMMENT.

Love you all, Lola 💕

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