Chapter 2

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Mr. Devil

© All Rights Reserved 2017

Lola Martinez

Chapter 2.

"Hey Mari, are you sure you're OK?" Sophie asked me when I entered her apartment. She had at least 4 rooms in this place and she lived alone.

"Yeah I'm great. Just wanted a little vacation. Nothing is wrong." I lied with a smile that she realised was fake.

"OK, if that's how you feel. Just want you to know that if you have a problem, I'm here to help." Sophie said with a little smile on her lips.

Me and Sophie were almost best friends. At the beginning of the year we couldn't stand each other. She was the new kid that everyone laid eyes on and wanted to be friends with. I don't really know why, but I just couldn't talk to her without thinking of the ways I could kill her with my pencil.

But one day we almost fought over the last stupid slice of pizza that was in the cafeteria. I think I wanted that pizza so much because I was on my period, or because I couldn't watch her having fun with my slice of pizza. But one of the teachers stopped me exactly before my fist smashed against her face. Lucky her. So they took me to the principal's office and he asked me why I hated her so much.

I couldn't respond.

I couldn't respond the question because I had no answer to it. Why did I hate her so much? What did she ever do to me that I couldn't stand watching her without boiling up with anger? I thought. And then I realised it.


She did nothing to me or my friends. I hated her for nothing. All she ever did was to try and be friends with us so she wouldn't be alone, she didn't break between us. In fact, I think I was the one who broke my friendships.

So I went and talked to her, told her how sorry I was for being such a bitch to her. For being a pain in the ass for literally nothing.

She accepted my apology and we became good friends. But not best because I still had my old friends with me.

So now, here I am. In her apartment being chased by my demons.

"Again, thank you Sophie. It means a lot to me." I said and huged her. If she wasn't here, I'd probably sleep in the street.

"Of course, anything for a friend. The room is down the hall. Good night, love." she said and went back to the kitchen.

I went to the room she told me and plopped on the bed. Such a bad day.

The room wansn't big, but it wasn't small either. It was perfect. There was a double bed in the middel of the room, two night shelves in each side of the bed and a TV on the wall in front of the bed.

Only for tonight, not more. I reminded myself, changed my clothes to something more comfortable, went to brush my teeth and then went to sleep.

*The Next Day*

I woke up before Sophie and wrote her a note of how much I thanked her again, got out of her apartment to the taxi and drove to the airport. Thank God I booked a ticket last night before I went to sleep.

The drive didn't take very long, so when he stopped the car I immediately paid him and got out of the car, took my suitecase and went inside.

After an hour of doing nothing, the woman told in the speaker the name of my flight. I got up, did all the long checkings and finally got into the plane before I took my seat.

Fifteen minutes later everyone started to take their seats and buckled themselves up, but something delayed the plane's take-off. Someone to be exact.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? I'm not supposed to fucking be here. I'm supposed to be in the First Class, not with these people." some deep manly voice said in the front of the plane. He sounded very angry.

"I know sir, but there were some changes and now you have to be here." a woman's voice talked now, sounding very scared.

"Does it look like I give a shit? I want my seat. Tell that douche face he can find himself another seat. Not mine." said the angry voice again. I tried to look and see what was happening, but there were a lot of seats that blocked my vision.

"I'm afraid we can't do that sir. He is an important business man." she said again.

"I'm an important business man too. Why the fuck am I the one who's seat was taken?" he asked with a low dangerous voice.

"I-I don't know sir. B-but you can sit here." she said with a shaky voice.

Whoever that man was, was a rude bastard. So what? He can't sit with the normal people? He should climb down from the stick that's shoved up his ass.

"Fuck off." said the rude man and I heard his hard footsteps come closer. I immediately lowered my head when he came closer and looked at me. Fuck, he's hot as hell.

He was a tall man, at least 6'2 with broad shoulders and a strong square jawline. His eyes were so blue it didn't even look real. He wore a black suite with a black tie.

Fucking hell. He had tattoos all over his body. Skull, neck, face, hands, back. He looked so fuckable.

He had a little cross tattoo under his right eye, big colorful bird wings on his neck and few more tattoos that I couldn't see.

"Enjoy the view?" a man asked from above and I almost shriek in surprise. I looked up to the man and saw the one I've been staring at for five minutes stare back at me. I didn't even notice I looked up.

Well fuck me. Literally.

"Move." he demanded. My eyebrows shot up.

"Excuse me?" I asked in shock. Rude son of a bitch.

"Great, now I have to sit next to a retard." he said with clenched teeth.

Boi what?!

"Listen up you jerk, I-"

"I'm sorry sir, but you'll have to sit so we could start the flight." said the stewardess.

"What do think I'm trying to do here?" said the rude man sarcastically, glaring at the poor woman who is trying to do her job. "The girl over here won't move." he continued.

"Miss, can you please move to the seat next to you so he could sit too?" she smiled. I nodded and glared back at the rude man.

"Have a nice flight." said the pilot after the instructions they gave us if we'll crash or drown.

This is going to be a long flight.

Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter isn't long, I don't have much time these days so I do how much I can for you :)

Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!

Love you all!

I don't have time to edit this chapter so if you see anything wrong, tell me :)

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