Hotel incident

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A/N: Yoo Jeongyeon is a guy

(At the hotel lobby)

Myoui Mina saw her boyfriend, Yoo Jeongyeon with other girl at a hotel lobby. Mina glared at him making Jeongyeon stopped walking with the girl.

"Mina-ya" Jeongyeon called Mina as he approached Mina

They then sat at a table at the hotel restaurant near the lobby

"Explain to me what happened" the first sentence came out from Mina as they sat down

"There's nothing to explain" Jeongyeon replied

"I caught you here with another woman in this hotel but you don't have anything to explain?"

"It's not what you think" said Jeongyeon with his straight face

"Then what is it?" Mina gave him her annoyed look

"The important thing is that I still love you very much. I might have made a mistake but my feelings for you haven't changed. That's what's important"

"How many times? Have you done this before?" Mina was really upset

"You won't believe that this was my first time but you'll be hurt if I tell you I've done it before. So why would you ask me that?" Jeongyeon smirked, making Mina felt more angry

Mina POV
The truth is, I already knew that something was up from the unread text messages. His responses became more and more delayed. There's one day I started sensing something different about his car, I knew he had changed that he had someone else and that he was a cheating son of a bitch but I pretended not to know, I was voluntarily tricked..

"Anyway, I was wrong. I admit it. I won't do it again. I swear.." Jeongyeon tried to persuade me and held my hand

"Is this a joke to you?" I said to him while letting go of his hands

"Then what should I do?"

"Try to be serious and honest, you jerk"

"I'm still young" he commented

"So what?"

"There are few men who would reject a fine woman hitting on them. That's how it happened. It was just a one-night-stand" Jeongyeon explained, making me hating him more when he said that

"So you're saying, because you're a young man, you couldn't help it? is that it?" I squinted my eyebrows

"I won't do it again. Mina-ya" he said. I swear I was so stupid to date him. I shouldn't have accepted him in the first place.

"You'll try not to be caught again. You're saying you're going to be more careful when you cheat next time..right?" I rephrased his sentence and gave him a straight face. I was already annoyed and he kept on giving his excuses, lies and any ridiculous statements

As I don't want to face Jeongyeon anymore so I left him but he grabbed my hand right away, stopping me from leaving

"I said I was wrong. Didn't I?" Jeongyeon tried to plead again. Without a doubt, I twisted his hand. He yelped.

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