The Message

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He clicked on the weird email, intrigued.


From: unknwnprovider@scurentwrk2.web

Subject: Kill


Message: Hey, Anti. One target. Four weeks. Target info below. Just for fun. I have a partner if you are interested.

Attachments: Characterfile.pdf.rar

Anti sat there, staring at the intriguing email. Most people drag on with the story of why they need the person killed, or even why they're contacting him.

This person was precise, to the point, and smart. 

Just how he liked it. Hated how he used his name, though. Why the fook....

He grinned as he clicked the link, downloading the attached file and opening the database to look at his selected prey. 

A picture of a girl with (h/c) (h/length) hair and (e/c) eyes popped up on his screen. The sight of her took his breath away. He clicked the attached .pdf file, Adobe making him swear as it took ages to load. Once it finally loaded, he finally got some info on the prey.

Name: (Y/N)

Age: 16

Race: American -or if you want to change it, have at it-

Additional Comments: Normally has headphones in, quiet. Watches Youtube a lot. Lost in thought, should be easy to sneak up on. You got this.

Anti grinned a fanged smile.

Of course I have this.

Anti slowly leaned back, contemplating the job.

This.... sender is actually very organized and to the point. And he...or she has a partner, maybe I could try working with somebody. Hmmmm......

He clicked "Reply" and started typing.

To: unknwnprovider@scurentwrk.web

From: demonanti406@scurentwrk2.web

Subject: RE: Kill


"Alright. Send me the files of this "partner" you have lined up and I'll decide if I want them to work with me. I usually work alone, but with more people, the job could get done faster. I'd have more angles to work with. But, I'll take the job."

He clicked "Send" and minimized the window, getting himself a drink from the kitchen. When he walked back in, a noise came from the PC, catching his attention. Pulling the window back up, he saw that the sender had replied.

Quick, too. He must really want this girl dead.

To: demonanti406@scurentwrk.web

From: unknwnprovider@scurentwrk2.web

Subject: RE: RE:Kill


Files attached: Partner

Here is the info on the helper. The job must be completed in four weeks.

Well, then.

Anti smirked, ready to take the challenge.

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