Accidentally in Love (Jilly)

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Wraning: Mature content, there will be a scene of atemtted rape. Please skip is you don't feel like reading that part.

Have you ever felt like you strongly had a strong feeling of loathing for a certain person? Yet you somehow fell head over heels in love with said perosn anyways. A funny, sacasm, clichè romance filled one shot.

Two different people, two very different personalities. Now these two never learned how to get a long, always arguing, always up in each other faces, nope... they were such a toubling pair ineed *shakes head*. Well what happens when...

~ ~ ~
Get on with it already!
Sirius Orion Black! Shut your mutt hole!
Your one to talk Ramus John Lupin!
*clears throat*
~ ~ ~

Now where was I? Ah yes... but, what happens when they fall for the other?

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Arrogant, lazy, irresponsible boy! That is what Lilly Marie Evans thought of one James Carolus Potter. He always mangaed to get on her nerves, push her tollorance, aggrivate her. She loathed him to no end!

Prissy, little miss perfect, smart ass girl! Not that James felt any different about her either, nope he difinately felt the same way about her. She always seem to annoy him, piss him off, make him fell so frustrated!

How could they possibilily work together as the heads of the student body if they can't even get a long? Merlin help them! But as the wise man once said, 'Mericles do happen.' Lets hope it does happen.

It all began in a desered corridor, this path led to the library, where we find Lily walked back to the Gryffindor common room, when she fell over tipping on someones foot, this someine happen to catch her in his arms.

"Well if it isn't little miss perfect." Sneered James.

"Potter." She gowled angrily as she stood from his arms, quickly getting out of them.

He smirked "Be careful there Evens, if I didn't know any bettet I would have thought you were falling for me."

"Shove off Potter. You arrogant toerag, I will never ever fall for you."

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*scoofs* Yeah keep saying that Lils.
*glares* Sirius...
*giggles inoccnetly* Yes, Ramus.
~ ~ ~

He scowled, "I guess we have an agreement then. Because, I'll never dream of falling for you either."

"Good then."

But oh how, wrong they were.... for fate had other plans *winks*.

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Two weeks had passed sice thier rather less then friendly encounter nesr the library, both still on each other's cases. Boy, isn't this just peachy. James was walking the halls, the Mrauder's mat in his hand, he saw Lily's dot walking out of the Astronimy Tower, then his saw Snape and Pyres aprroaching her he knew that she was in trouble.

Though he still loathed her, he never wished her to be attacked, or worse. She was still a person of her own will, and he couldn't just stand there, when he knew what they were gonna do to her. He reached the corriodor they were in, and stayed hidden as he watch the scene play out.

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