God Bless the Broken Road

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A Harry Potter and Gabrielle Delacour one shot. Harry is a player, who has met his match in a young Fench Vella. She's his personal heroine, they are just meant to be. Romance is in the air and its kinda contagious.

An angel, that's how he saw her. Gabrielle Angelique Delacour was the angel who changed his life, she was his personal brand of heroine, he couldn't get enough of her. He gave up his player ways for her, what he didn't know was she loved him, loved him as he loved her.

He was walking the halls of Beubuxton's Academy, appreciating the views of the majestic castle. He was an assistant for the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, a few girls swooned as they looked at him, a few boys glared his way.

Harry James Potter was a man of true nobility, courage and loyalty. Ever girl who knew of his legened fawned over him, while every guy was inspited by him. Not that he wanted the fame or the fortune that came from saving the Wizarding world, but he had to mive with it. He got girls left and right, yet he always ended up with a broken heart, so much so that he started becoming a playboy. The was until he went to France...

"Harry?" Asked the angel of his dreams.

Harry's thoughts broke, "Hey Gabrielle." He greeted with a heart stopping smile.

"Hello." She said breathily, "You seemed to be out of this world."

He walked to her, "Just lost in thought, is all." He responded, "How are you?"

She smiled back, "I am great. The week has been fine." She said.

They walked out of the school together, Everyone's eyes were on them, including the smiling headmisteress. Olympe was happy to see the Auror and her most truseted student so happy. They would make a good couple, she could the Chemistry between the two, she could see as well as feel it.

'I hope they'll get together sooner or later.' Was her last thought before she walked to her office.

Harry being the gentleman he is offered to walked Gabrielle home, her father... Jean-Sabastian Delacour his department head had offered the young man the auror job, Harry had been wecomed as a close friend of the family ever since. Especially when Felur was wed to Bill Weasley, the eldest born of the Weasley family, the Delcour family treated him with hopitality and love as the years past.

"You know.. you really don't have to walk e home. Not that I don't want your company..." On the conterary she loved to be in his company, "I can take care of myself, you know."

He answered with a smile, "Oh of course I know you can take care of yourself, but it is not good for man to leave a woman as beautiful as you without any company." Was his coutious response.

"My aren't we the charmer. You good sir are a courtious one." She teased with a melodious laugh.

"True charm is brought with honesty and pure modesty, milady. And you Madamousil are the most beautiful young lady I have ever known." He said seriously.

Her heart stopped at his words, she saw his honesty through those captivating green emeralds. She was drowned in her love for him, just as he was falling for her. Moments later they found themselves in front of a lavish house, with huge double cherrywood doors, and old style windows.

"Monsiour Potter! I thank you for escourting my daughter home." Said Jean-Sabastian Delacour a warm smile directed at them.

Harry bowed in coutisy, "I'm just doing my job sir. Keeping a watch on the streets, and I find her company comforting." He responded.

"Now there's a good man." Thought the older man.

Jean said, "Why don't join us for dinner, Harry?" He offered, "We must drop the formalities, as we are not on the job and we are close friends. Call me Jean"

Gabrielle smiled, "Now must we enter the threshold as to not catch a cold." She said, "I must get changed and help mother in the kitchen."

"I would love to join you for dinner, Jean, I thank you for the invitation." Harry said gratefully.

They walked in, Gabrielle greeting her mother as she walked up to her room. Harry and Jean were conversing about work and Harry's work at the Acadmy, the young girl came down for her room dressed in her pjs, she smiled at the men as she went to herl her mother.

Dinner was a quient affair, filled with light converstion and some bouts of laughter, Harry and Gabrielle's interactions were not missed by her parents, the older couple shared a look and hid a smile, as dinner was cleared off the older couple bid them a goodnight, and told them to stay up late.

"It was really nice for you parents to let me stay over for dinner." Harry said as they sat on the couch.

Gabrielle smiled, "They treat you as if you were their son Harry, much as the Weasley's have before you came here." She told him, "I can tell mama loves you like you were another child of her's, while papa is the same."

He nodded, "Reminds of how Molly and Arthur treated me back in England." He smiled at the thought, "I miss them, I mean Ron and Hermione are my best friends, Ginny is my ex... were're still friends though when we decided that was the better option."

"Ginny is one of the other girls I know who liked you for who you were, she was honest about her love for you, not like the others who used for your fame and frotune." Said the blonde pincess, "I know of one other gril who likes you for the man insode you, a girl who is willing to love you for your soul and heart."

He looked into her bright blue orbs, so bright and compeling, full of compassion... and love, "Gabrielle.. I..." He began but cut himself short.

"Yes?" She asked leaning into him, "What is it mon cheri, what does your heart say?"

He closed the gap that exsisted between them, a sweet kiss this was, a kiss that promised more as they held each other. And why they pulled away, their eyes locked.

"That God blessed the broken road." He whispered taking her onto his lap, "That I love you and have found an angel."

She kissed him tenderly, "I love you Harry, you are my perfect match."

He deepened the kiss, "As you are mine, my love."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TWO YEARS LATER ~~~~~~~
Harry and Gabrielle lived in the Lake District, one of the Estates that belonged to the Potter family, we fine our French Vella standing on the second floor balconey over looking the Scotish ilse under the setting sun.

She sighed in content as she felt a pair of strong arms warpped around her waist from behind, the familiar feeling of her mate made her lean back onto his chest.

"How as work mon cheri?" She asked

He smiled to himself, "It was alright angel, nothing too out of the ordinary."

She truned in his arms, their lip met in a passionate kiss, slow and tender full of love. He carried her as she wrapped her legs around him, he sat on the oak bench near by while she sateddled him, caressing her cheek sweetly as his hands skimmed her sides with gentle fingers. Her postion shifted so her lgs were over his lap, her head on his shoulder, his breath fanning her neck.

"I love you." She said then moaned sofly as he trailed kisses a long her neck.

His answered with a pleasure filled groan as her hand threaded through his hair, "As I love you."


"Until the end.

And 'til death they part, two souls woven into one. Love truly is the strongest kind of magic when foun int the right person. An angel was she, his angel.

God bless the broken road...

True love is found the face of hopelessness, one finds the angel at the end of the road, hope is resotred in ones heart when they find the right person.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Another out of the box pairing in the Harry Potter universe. Harry Potter and Gabrielle Delacour, everyone! Tell me what you all think.


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