Everything has Changed (Rupert×Reader)

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Any Rupert fans on here! If you have some fan girl feels for this man right here, than you came to the right place!

Third person's pov:
Has it ever occured to you that everything can change in a matter of time? Many have underestimated the power of fate, life itself is full of surprises. And this story is one of them...

[Scene change: Florida, USA]
The city had chaged since you last saw it, three years ago. The place was filled with more bulidings and resorts than ever before, the beaches were dirty and looked like they haven't been mentained well over the summer, the sand didn't look as white as it did before.

You arrived at your house located near one of the more quaint beaches on the coast, your house has chaged too! The walls were newly painted, a brighter shade of brown colored the darkened spots, the wooden furnishings were waxed and barnished, even the couch covers were newly washed! What happend here while you were gone?

"Who did this?" You asked youself walking around the room before going to your bedroom on the second floor.

Your bedroom was still the same, except for the vase full of your favorite flowers, you can't stop thinking about who could have done this, you don't seem to remeber hiring anyone to mentain your house while you were gone.

This was a real mistery to you, but you are so, very tired after your hours long flight from London, so you've decided to put it out for your mind end get ready for bed.

*The next day*
You hear the doorbell ringing, so you get up from the sofa and open the door. You see a mailman holding out a package for you.

"Good morning, are you (y/n)?" He greated cheerily.

You nodded smiling at his happiness, "Good Morning, yes I am." You reply.

"Here's your package ma'am." Hecsaid handing the box to you, "Just sign here and we'll be good to go." He added pointing to a signature line thare said recieved by over it

"Thank you." You say after signing the paper, "Here's a little something for you." You give him a $20 tip.

He smiles and walks away, mintutes later you find youself in your living room, sat on the couch looking at the package. You finally opened it, there sat a note on top of a book, you took the note unfolding it.

"Good Day (y/n),
First off welcome back to Florida! I hope you had a safe flight back from London, three year yeah. Wow it has been so long since I last saw you, everything here has changed sine you've left, it is not the same Florida you used to know.

If you were wondering who had your house cleaned while you were gone, I am a as guilty as I can be 😂, I hope you like the change and the vase filled your favorite flowers too. I felt like your house should be kept cleaned while you were away, and please don't feel bad about it, beacause I was all too happy do it!

I was hoping to meet up with you for some coffee, at that old cafè by the port, I wonder if you remeber that place it was where the least change happened. Please send me a message as soon as you get this letter.

From your secret friend...

[P.S: I got that book you wanted, the one you told me about before you left. And there is another thing in there, if you are wondering who I am then look at the other gift]"

Who could this be? You placed down the note on the coffee table and took the book, you gasped this was the book you've been waiting for! And if that wasn't the best part, it was also hard bound, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child!

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