Max slowly stood up after crawling out of the giant hole she made.

"That was pleasant." Max whispered to herself as she ran her hand down her face, gasping slightly as her lip started to burn as she touched it.

Max removed her hand from her lip and looked at it, noticing it now had blood on it." This is great."

Max reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone, noticing it shattered in the fall.


*Time Skip*

Max sat in the living room of her fathers house, looking around as she bounced her knee up and down viciously as she awaited the Winchester's, Ruby's, and Anna's arrival.

Max was covered in bruises, dirt, and her own blood. All of her major wounds healed on their own but she'd still have some bruises for a few days, probably because she thought they looked cool and was too lazy to heal them.

Once the front door opened and Dean came into view, Max jumped up and ran into his arms." I was so worried."

"You was worried?! Max, what the hell happened?! You're a mess!" Dean yelled as he held her close.

"No clue. Probably something to ward off angels." Max said, snapping her fingers to clean the blood and dirt off.

Max let Dean go once she saw Anna and smiled, grabbing her hand." I have something cool to show you." Max said, pulling Anna through the house and down the stairs that led to the bunker.

Max opened the iron door and showed Anna the panic room. She walked in and turned around, smiling brightly at Max." This is awesome."

"Iron walls drenched in salt. Demons can't even touch the joint." Max said, stepping in and banging the walls.

"Which I find racist, by the way." Ruby piped up, standing a bit away from the entrance to the room.

"If this room keeps you away, I'm doing my job right." Max shot back, turning around to face her.

"Here." Ruby said, tossing Max two brown hex bags.

"Hex bags?"

"Extra-crunchy. They'll hide us from angels, demons, all comers."

Max held one out to Anna, who took it and smiled from Ruby to Max.

"Thank you both, so much. You guys are probably the only reason I'm alive." Anna said, smiling sadly.

"Psht, after that blood spell I heard you did, I'm sure you would be just fine." Max said, rubbing Anna's head and sitting on the desk beside her.

"So, Max, Anna, anything on angel radio?" Dean asked, stepping in the bunker and looking at the two girls.

"It's quite." Anna said, looking up at Max.

"I don't hear anything either. Dead silence." Max continued." Which is pleasant. Not troubling at all."

Dean sighed and went to say something but was cut off.

"Hey, Dean, Max." Sam called from upstairs.

Max looked over at Dean and shook her head. "You go, I'd rather not talk to him. I'll stay with Anna."

Dean nodded and walked out of the panic room and up the stairs to Sam.

"We're in trouble, aren't we? You guys are scared?"

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