Our first date? Part 1

Start from the beginning

::Charlene POV:: 

I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who it could be. I opened the door to see my mom.  "Mom, what are you doing home from work?" I asked as she walked in. "Hey, mama. They let me out early because it was a very slow day today. Thank you lord!" she said raising her hands up in praise. I laughed at her. I guess I should talk to her about my date tonight with Jacob. She deserves to know. "Mom?" I asked "Yes, mama" she said. "Ummm well, you see I have..a date tonight and-" she cut me off with a squeal "Eeeep you have a date tonight?! Is it with that sexy little papi cholo from the hospital?!" she asked excited. "Mom! His name is Jacob!" she can be so embarrassing sometimes. "Oh, shaddap!" she said revealing her accent. "What are you going to wear?" she asked excited. "I don't know, that's kinda what I came to you for. I need you to help me pick something." she looked so happy. For what? I don't know. "Ok you go take a shower and I'll pick out your outfit" she said all cheesy. It felt good to make her so happy even though I had no idea why. "alright and mom?" I asked "Yes" she answered. "Thank you" I said smiling. "No problem, mama." she said returning the smile. I went upstairs and grabbed my bathing supplies. I began to take of my clothes (that was a little uncomfortable for me to write :/) I starred at myself in the mirror. I don't know what I think of myself yet. I don't think I'm ugly anymore but I don't think I'm pretty either. When it comes to my body I still don't know what to think. One part of me is a little happy at the fact that I may have what everybody calls "curves" but the other half of me just thinks I'm fat. Eventually I took my shower and blah, blah, blah. I went into my room to see my mother. She had my outfit laid out and to my dismay she had something a little to flattering to my liking. It was a black jump suit. Kinda like the ones Nicki Minaj has. I looked at her crazy. " Mom! Why this?!" she started to smirk "Because you'll look....sexy" I was puzzled. She's my mom she's not suppose to want me to grow up, but then again she's weird. I knew if I tried to argue with her she would win anyway so I just avoided it and decided to wear it. I just stood there. "Well.." I said "Well what?" she asked. "Well aren't you gonna leave so I can get dressed?!" she looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Child please! I done changed your diapers and bathed you, it's not like I'm seeing anything new" she said while walking out the door and closing it. I laughed at her. She always knew how to make me laugh. I put on the  outfit and called my mom to come back and help me with my hair. We both decided that I would have it in a regular tight ponytail. "Mama" she asked "Yes." I answered "Do you realize how beautiful you are?" she asked looking me in the eyes. "Thank you" I said smiling. "You know you get it from me right?" she just had to ruin the moment. "Whatever, mom" I said laughing. "What it's true." she said with a serious face. I just kept laughing. By the time I was done I checked the time 7:50. I had about 10 minuets before Jacob gets here so I just chilled and talked with my mom. The ten minuets went by so fast. I heard a knock on the door and immediately knew it was Jacob. As I walked to the door I started to get nervous. I stopped at the door and took a breath and finally opened it. There stood jacob. When he saw me he took off his shades and looked at me "damn" he said while looking at me up and down while licking his lips then biting his bottom lip. "Ahhheeem Jacob, my eyes are up here, buddy"  I said while crossing my arms. He quickly rose is head up from my body and began blushing while rubbing his neck "You look very sexy---I mean beautiful" he said. trying to cover it up. I was blushing super hard but you can't see because of my skin color. "Mmmmmhhhhmmm" I said trying to play it off. I laughed "Come in. My mom wants to see you" I said. "Alright" he said coming in. As soon as I turned around I felt a slap on my butt again. I looked at Jacob. He smiled a winked at me. I shook my head at him and continued walking to my mom. "Hello miss" he said. "Hey, sweetie. How are you?" she said. "Good. And you?" he said putting his hands in his pockets. "Very good." "Well I guess you guys should get going" she said with her voice shaking and tears coming from her eyes. "Mom are you....crying" I asked. She pinched her nose bridge and took a breath. "It's just that.....my baby is going up so fast." she said while sniffing. "It's ok mom" I said rubbing her back. Jacob just stood there. Looking on. "Well, you guys go on." she said shooing us out of the house "Well, dang!" I said. I grabbed my coat and my purse with my bathing suit in it and we were off. We walked down the street hand in hand. "You look gorgeous" he said smiling. "You don't look to bad yourself" I said smirking back. "Please mami, you know I'm sexy" he said smirking. He sure was but I wasn't gonna let him know that. "Boy, please you wish." we both laughed. "So where are we going?" I asked him. "We're here" I looked up to see the building with the abandoned dance studio that I come to. "Why are we here?" I asked innocently confused. "You'll see" he said leading me to the dance studio. We went inside and I saw the cutest thing ever. He had a little picnic set up for us! "Awww Jacob! This is so sweet!" I said to him "I'm glad you like it." he said smiling. He helped me take off my jacket. "C'mon" he said as he took my hand and lead me to the blanket with candles and two plates that were covered. We sat down and he basically starred me down. "Why you staring at me like that?" I said tilting my head to the left. "I'm wondering what I did to get a girl as beautiful as you" he said. I was blushing...hard. "You are too much, you know that, right?" I said. he smiled. "I try" he said popping his imaginary collar. I just shook my head at him. "well let's eat" he said. I immediately started to tense up. I didn't want to eat because i hadn't eaten earlier today. "I'm not really hungry" I said lying and looking away and he knew it. He came over to my side and stared at me. I tried to avoid eye contact. "Bonita, why don't you want to eat?" he asked with care in his voice while trying to look at me. "I do eat. I'm....just...not...hungry." I said lying and he didn't buy it. He took my face with both of his hands and made me look at him. "You body is beautiful. You don't have to change it at all..ok?" I nodded my head slowly. Wow. No boy has ever told me that before.  He came closer to my ear. I could feel his breath on m neck. That gave me chills. "Do you know how much I love to watch you walk?" he whispered in my ear. I got more chills and started to blush. Then I looked at him like he was crazy. "You are such a creep!" I said while laughing. "But you know you love it." he said in a low sexy voice. He went down on a little and planted kisses a little in between my jawline and neck. i stared to tense up. He's never kissed me anywhere besides my lips or cheek before. My stomach dropped. He stopped and looked at me and smiled. He unveiled the food. Awww it was mexican! Rice, beans and chicken! He took a spoon and scooped up some rice and held it to my mouth. "open" he demanded. I was hesitant but I gave in. I opened my mouth and ate it. "Mmmm" I said licking my lips. "Don't do that" he said. I had no idea what he was talking about. "Do what?" I asked. "Lick your lips" he said. "why not" i asked chuckling. "Because...it's too sexy for me to handle." he said with a serious face. I gave him that 'are you serious' stare. "Ohh I'm sorry" I said as I purposely licking my lips slowly just to get a rise out of him. "I'm serious Charlene. Don't make me attack you." he said. He looked dead serious too. I wasn't gonna take me chances so I stopped. I took the spoon from his hand. "Your turn" I said as I scooped up more food and fed it to him. He ate it so seductively slow. "Why you eating it like that?" I asked chuckling a little. "Because I'm pretending it's you." he said smirking. My facial expression changed immediately. It went from a smile to a shocked/scared face. "You need Jesus." I said laughing again. He just shrugged as we continued feeding each other. We eventually finished. "That was good." I said smiling. "Yea, it was. Now I think it's time for desert." he said biting his bottom lip and scooting closer. "Um no Jacob" i said. "Calm down, I'm just joking....Or was I?" he said smirking. "Either way you not getting any of this. I'm waiting til i'm married." I said smirking. "I guess I could wait until were married." he said shrugging. I laughed at the fact that he thought we would get married. Would we? Honestly I doubt it. But anyways. I started to get bored so I started to mess with him. "I bet I'm stronger then you." I said. "Oh really" he said turning to me. "Yea" i said acting tough. "Well how about we make a little wager?" he said crossing his arms. "Ok go" I said. "Ok, you and I arm wrestle. The loser has give the winner.......a lap dance." he said smirking while raising his eyebrows up and down. I was hesitant but I finally made my decision. "Deal" I said. We both put our hands into position and stared each other down "mami you better be ready to shake that money maker for papi." he said as he winked at me. I playfully rolled my eyes. "On 3" I said. "OK" he said "1...2...3!" I said. we both went. He looked pretty surprised at the amount of strength I put in. All of a sudden I felt a tickle on my stomach thus causing me to loosen my grip and made my hand grow weak. Thus letting him win. I knew he did it. "You cheater!" I said laughing. "Hey, you never said there were any rules. So i assumed this was a 'anything goes' match." I looked at him stupid. "what do you think this is....the WWE?" I asked laughing. "Exactly. I will bodyslam you if you do't give me my lap dance." he said while taking a chair and placing it in the middle of the room.  he dropped himself in it. "I'm ready" he said rubbing his hands together. I rolled my eyes at his excited pervertedness. I don't know what I'm gonna do but i guess I'll just do what I see of t.v. "What about music?" I asked hoping there was none. "Oops I almost forgot." he took out a remote and played Beyonce- Dance for you. I rolled my eyes playfully at how prepared he was. He took both his index fingers and signaled me to come and do it. I did a long sigh. Here goes.

 I went behind him as the beat was about to started. I took a chunk of his hair and rotated his head around, then I slide my hand down his shirt feeling his hard abs. This was kinda amusing seeing his surprised but happy face. I went in front of him and started grinding and body rolling to the beat. All I could see was him biting his bottom lip at me. Try to tame himself. Once the chorus came I straddled him. He put his hands on my back so i wouldn't fall. I started to roll my body against him. I took his shades and put them on. All I could see in his eyes were pure......lust? Lord only knows what this boy was thinking. I put my hands on his cheeks and caressed them. Then i put them around his neck as I continued grinding. i got so into it kissed his neck a few times. You should've seen his face. I went to his right side of him and started to grind low. I ran my hands up his thigh and he started to tense up. JACKPOT! I started to dance around some more until I realized something. He had a bulge in his pants! "Oh my gosh Jacob!" I said he looked down and immediately ran out of the room. I was laughing my butt off! I can't believe I actually did that. Aha! After and couple of minuets he came back in and stared at me. As he started to walk towards me. He backed me up into a wall and pinned me up against it so I wouldn't get away. I looked into his eyes. Sweet Jesus! Did I dare just awaken the freak inside of him? He looked like he wanted to r*pe me! "You cannot be doing all that sexiness and expect me to stay calm" he said lowly. running his hands down my back. He gave me this intense stare. "I-it w-was ap-part of the bet r-remember?" I was scared out of my mind. The way he was staring at me gave me chills down my back. "You have no idea what I want to do to you right now" he said in a low sexy voice while putting his other hand on my behind and squeezing it. That got me even more scared. He looked like he meant it. He pressed himself against me and leaned down because I was shorted then him. He breathed on my neck. "When we're married you better be ready for whatever it is I do to you. ok?" he said seductively. I took a big gulp. "Don't be scared, Mr. Fernando will take care of you." he said caressing my thigh. I was about to wet my pants. Mr. Fernando was his freaky alter ego he told me about a couple of weeks ago. I never thought much of it until now. He told me some other stuff that i can't really tell you because this story is not rated R. He started to kiss my neck. I tried my hardest not to react but it was hard. I realized he let my hand go and I immediately slipped out of his hold. "Umm maybe w-we s-should get g-going." I said a little scared "Oh, our date is not over, bonita. We have one more stop." he said. Good Lord! What have I done?!

To be continued.... 

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