Chapter 6

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Bianca/Ichigo's POV:


The said black haired boy turned around. "..Bianca-san is it?"

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"You didn't win." Yes, they have not won.

"Is it about that? Then you don't have to worry. We just have to practice more if our skills isn't enough. If that is all, please excuse me." Rude little brat!! And I was about to console him!! I grabbed his wrist before he could walk away.

"That's not all what I came here for."


I looked around before determining that the area is safe. "You can come out now Vanilla."

My hair shook a bit before a little blonde haired girl peaked out. "Puaah!! Ichigo! You shouldn't make me hide there forever! You made me itchy!!"

"Sorry Vanilla. I can't let you out with everyone there. On the other note, Yuki-kun is here!!" I cheered.

"Ohh!! Yuki!!?? Where is Sugar then!!??" She chastised. I looked at Yuki-kun's face and I can tell the signs of shock coming in his emotionless facade.

"Ichigo-sensei and Vanilla-san!!???" Hehehe... at least that reaction satisfied my anger at him.

"Yup." I stuck my tongue out. "The one and only."

"Wow in just a second, you manage to break my perception of Bianca-san, the beautiful and mysterious lady. I guess you can't even hold the image for long. That's why you're called childish."

My world suddenly collapsed like a mirror. My little student called me beautiful and mysterious. Never did he complimented me, only in creating sweets. I was on high lands until I realized that it is an insult not a compliment. Gloom lines surrounded me as I poke the ground.

"Oh and Vanilla-san, Sugar is right here." He lifted his chefs hat and a brown haired girl with the same blue eyes as Vanilla came out.



They hugged each other. It is quite a long time since they have seen each other. To be exact, two years. They have tears flowing in their face. They are cousins though Sugar is older than Vanilla.

"It's been a while!!! How've you been??!!" Sugar cheered.

"We are okay!! I am progressing to be the Court Patisserie. My exam is in November!!" Vanilla informed.

"Wow!! A Court Patisserie!!" Both have a star struck eyes as they happily sighed.

"Don't forget about me!!! I want to be a Court Patisserie too!!" A small pink haired girl with gold eyes wearing a black maid uniform come out of my hair.

"Strawberry!!" We all said surprised.

Sudden crocodile tears poured out of Strawberry's eyes as she wailed. "WAAHHH!!! THEY ALL FORGOTTEN ABOOUUT MEEEE!!!!WAAHAAAA!!!"

They shushed her as I patted her hair. "Sorry, Strawberry. As an apology how about we make a sweets later??" I consolidate.

"YAATTAA!! SWEETS!!" She yelled as she merrily danced.

"Now that the reunion is finished, why did you disappeared two years ago?? Don't think that I have forgiven you. You still leave me even if you come back with a different name." A serious frown marred his face.

I winced. "I haven't told you that I was adopted right? Four years before I met you, that's when she changed my name. The name Amano Ichigo is my true name. Though my aunt, who is the person that adopted me don't want to have someone that makes her remember my mother. It was enough to remember her little sister who was favored through the family while she is on the sidelines. So she made me and my sister wear wigs and contact lens and change our name so that we can stay in our home."

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