Chapter 1

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It wasn't supposed to be like this.

She only wanted to make sweets that can make everyone smile like her grandma did to her when she's sad.

A dream that with only a few years, only a few years left can be finished.

But why is it that everything she done, everything she tried to take action will be gone for nothing?

Maybe it was a joke..! Some bad prank that a kid wanted to do to mess her up badly! And it did!! It made her try a different path.

Fate seems to stop sending her only good things and decided to amuse himself from her miseries.

Thanks to that, she had no choice but to stay away from the three important figures in her life. Her school, her friends and the most important one.....Kashino.

"Ichigo!!Ichigo!!" Rumi yelled as she approached the sleeping mess on their class.

"..What's up Rumi-chan...?" A sleepy brunette rubbed her eyes as she took in the words of her friend. Just this evening, Kashino is being his usual sadistic devil self when he learned that she did poorly to her exams. Of course, being the leader of a restaurant is a big thing but it consumes much more time for her than when she focuses on her studies. In the end, she didn't get to study her notes and fell asleep on her bed the minute she come home.

"Just listen to this! Another contest was added to this year's calendar! Here read this." Rumi shoved a flier to the brunette's hands. Ichigo briefly read the written Kanji on the flier.

"Grand Prix version London??"

"What, what??"

A blonde haired man with blue eyes wearing a white shirt with blue jeans, completely different from the school's pink uniform required as he made her way to the brunette girl he have a crush on.

"Grand Prix version London.... Now that you have mentioned it, the other day you murmured something about London." Johnny inquired as he looked at Ichigo.

"There is that too but Henri-sensei said that he will contact me later for more details."

"Do you know a bit more about it??" Rumi cocked her head to the side.

"Henri-sensei plans to make another Marie's garden on London. Both Kashino and I knows about it but that was what we only know." Ichigo explained.

"I see..." Suspicion laced Johnny's words. "Then this might be connected to what you have said."

"I don't know. Maybe you're reacting a bit too much."


"Hey, Ichigo. You sound alright."

"Are you alright, sensei?"

"I'm alright, Ichigo. What is it that's bothering you?"

"Henri-sensei, do you know about the Grand Prix Version London?"

"Actually that's what I wanted to talk about. Recently, you all are busy in the shop that's why I-no-someone will hire some pattiesieres on the shop you managed and end your jurisdiction on it."


"I'm sorry, Ichigo. Someone from the upper echelion wanted you all to focus on your studies to finish the school much earlier than what you expected. New implementations were just posted that even I can't interfere."

"Ichigo.." Vanilla said worriedly.

No way... All our work... Times when we tired ourselves so much that even in school all of us are sleeping... All our friends who come and visit us... And the customers too will be disappointed.. Not to mention, that it is the only place where I can see Kashino everyday... All of it will be gone.....

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