Chapter 22

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How many times have I been captured by now?

Hmm.... I think it's been around 3 to four maybe.

I guess sitting in a dark room is so called kidnapping.

Wow, Peter is really desperate.

He still thinks that he can just have other people do things for him, do his dirty work so that there's no trace of his fingerprints. Gee, I would've stopped doing things for him if I were one of his 'Lost Boys'.

I've probably been sitting in the dark for an hour or so by now. Every now and then I will hear a few boys pass by, talking about who shot an arrow, or who killed a deer. It was honestly the most stupid conversations I had ever heard.

Evidently, there was no escape of Peter. I decided not to try running off anymore since I would somehow always end up back at his camp an hour or two later.

My clothes were still rugged, which reminded me that Peter was just leaving to get me clothes before I sprinted off.

I wonder if he'll get me them now...

As soon as I thought of it, he appeared, opening the door so that there was finally some light in the room.

"Have a nice nature walk?" he asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, until you came in and interrupted me."

"First of all, I didn't come, and second, I was saving you."

"Oh, don't you dare go all smart on me!"

Peter rolled his eyes. "Don't complain," he demanded. I opened my mouth to speak, but he held his finger up to his mouth. "Stop talking." he looked outside, then back to me.

"Can I please have some clothing-"

"What did I tell you?" he asked in an angry tone.

I crossed my arms and stayed quiet, while he continued to look outside at the sky. Just a few moments later, a small bit of thunder was heard, followed by a flash of lightning.

"Great." Peter pulled me up from my sitting position, then began to drag me out of the tent, proceeding towards another, larger one.

He threw me onto the ground and started to yell at me like I was a child.

"What do you think you were doing when you ran off like that?! You don't just run away when someone leaves to get food or clothing, or water!" he continued to lecture me and I just lied on the ground, staring at his hair. Oh, how the one strand, hanging just to the side of his nose bothered me. I wanted to jump up and put the hair in place so that I didn't have to stare at the raging eyes of Peter Pan.

"Uh, Pan?!" yelled an anonymous boy. The tent door opened, revealing a lost boy.

"What do you want?!" Peter shouted.

"I-I heard something, and now it's started to rain."

Peter's eyes widened. "No." he whispered. He turned to me and held a finger in the air, "Don't move." then he rushed out, leaving me yet again.


"Felix!" Peter ran around the camp, looking for the second in command.

The blonde lost boy soon was hovering over Peter. "Well? How do you get out of the mess this time?"

Peter scowled looking straight to the horizon. "Everyone's here for her."

"We know that. The problem is, Bailey doesn't love you, Pan. The island is going to be destroyed if you don't do something."

Peter clenched his fists and looked up at Felix, his face red with anger. "If you'd stay quiet for once, maybe I could figure something out! I already tried so hard the first time it happened with Bailey, and now I have to risk both our lives trying to save Bailey again!"

Felix stood, quiet as a mouse while Peter shouted to him also. Felix was under his spell, he couldn't do anything about it because he had to do as Peter told him.

Author's Note:

I know, I know, I've taken sooooo long to update.

But hey, I'm co-writing another fanfic called The Flame Within!

Anyways, I'm sorry. It's finals week, and my summer is also going to be jam packed.


Anyways, thanks for reading... Don't know about my next update. I'll try and keep y'all posted! :)

-Bella Kae <3

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