"Rachel I'm so sorry," he reached out as I coughed intensely.

I moved away from him immediately, soothing my bruised neck. My throat stung as I swallowed nervously, staring at the stranger in front of me. Logan had never once put his hands on him. Not once had he ever hit me, whether it was jokingly or serious.

"Rach," Logan took a step closer as I took once back.

"Get away from me," my voice cracked as I shouted.

Logan looked taken back by my remark. His face showed a bit of hurt and guilt, but it quickly disappeared as the door knob began to shake.

Victor opened the door and stepped in, smiling.

"I see you two are all caught up. I just love seeing family come together," Victor clapped his hands together sarcastically.

"You lay a hand on her and I will kill you," Logan muttered at Victor as he walked up to him.

Victor raised an eyebrow at Logan before shaking his head, "You have failed to comprehend that I own her now. I do as I please with her, whether it suits your liking or not. Now get of here before I put a bullet in your head."

Logan glared at Victor before looking at me. He stared at me apologetically before walking out of the room, leaving me with the man who was holding me captive.

"Well come on now, it's time you learn your place here," Victor grabbed my upper arm and began to pull me out of the room.

I stumbled a bit as I did my best to follow behind him. He brought me to the common area, which was completely empty. The chairs at the bar were all out of place and there were used filthy cups placed all over the counter.

"Alright," Victor spoke, "Take a seat at the bar."

I did as I was told and grabbed one of the stools of the bars and placed it at the counter. I took a seat and waited for him to continue. He walked away to another room, leaving me alone.

My heart was pounding out of my chest.

"How can I get out of this?" I asked myself silently just as Victor returned.

Victor walked in, fixing the blazer he had on. He had his left arm behind his back, holding something I couldn't make out. He walked up to me, standing directly in front of me.

"Here," he pulled a rifle from behind his back.

He grabbed my right hand and placed the gun in it. My hand was shaking.

"A...A gun?"

"Yes, a gun."

"W-what do I need a gun for..?"

"You will be one of my shooters. Normally I have the women take care of the safe house business and the shipments of weaponry, but you seem like a girl who have handle herself. I believe you would make a good shooter if you get enough practice. I will have one of my men teach you."

"I've... never used a gun before," I rubbed the back of my neck as my face heated up nervously.

"Well there's always a first for everything," Victor growled, "Now go back to the room I assigned you."

I had no idea where that room was, but I roamed through the halls until I found it. The chains had been replaced with new ones.

"How do I get in?" I thought to myself as I pulled on the chains.

I banged the lock of the chains against the door, hoping to dent it in some sort of way. The damp halls were silent, except the banging of the lock. Just as I started to give up, I heard footsteps walking down the hall. They seemed to be heading my way.

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