Chapter 2

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days later marlene looked out of her window of the harris manor, all the villager were walking past with black on. the mayor and mrs grant were getting into a black car. then marlene seen something that she didnt want to see a hertz with a coffin. it was jason funeral, marlene got her black outfit on and sneaked to the church. when she got there they was lots of people outside a good turn out for a nice kind boy who never got to be him self and people greving him who probley didnt when know him at all. Doreen barron walked over to her

" what are you doing here"? she asked

" i was friends with jason" said marlene

Doreen laught at her so loud,

" do think he liked you" snap doreen

" he did like me he was my friend and i help him" marlene said,

" your a murder, and your mother murdered him, people are so sad the day" said doreen

,marlene got angry and attacked Doreen just then all the villager started to shout at marlene calling her a witch and mrs grant pulled her away from Doreen

" get off me, dont touch me" shouted marlene

she ran away from the church to barron back, she sat on the bench. she felt alone now and thought she could feel jason spirit here, there was two men walking buy laughing at her " look there is the murder of the village

" marlene then ran away she was no longer welcome to her favourite spot anymore she ran up a hill and then past out as she had not eating in days. malene then opened her eyes" leave her be" a woman voice said she could see a boy about her age was in a small chair beside her" jason" she said marlene went back to sleep in her thoughs she was on the bench with jason and sitting beside her laughing with him like before he was okay and her mother was talking to the mayor everyone was getting along, she felt like they were in the strange room with her heard there voices and she started talking back to them then it got worst mrs grant came into the dream

" its all bad for you then a loud laugh, marlene then opened her eyes she was sweating and her breathing was heavy as her heart was beating too fast

" are you okay the boy asked as he tried to calm her down with a wet cloth over her head , marlene couldnt speak she was to scared

" charles " a woman voice said again leave her be, let her sleep

" mother she needs me here" said charles,

" come for your tea"

, she will be through when she is slept. the boy then left and marlene went back to sleep. marlene opened her eyes she had felt better and the pain in her head was gone. she got up out of the bed and walked thru to the kitchen it was full of pine furnister and a table in the middle of the floor the boy she saw looked up at her as she entered the kitchen" your awake

" he said marlene stood nervous and he came over to her a sat her down on a chair beside him" mother get this lady a nice meal" said the boy

" oh hello pet" the old woman said as she gave the hot plate of a english fry up to marlene" thank you" said marlene

she then started to eat the meal like it was the first time she had ever had food in her life, marlene looked at the faces on the old woman and her son, where is my manors she thought to herself my mother never raze up a animal " sorry " she said " aww pet dont you worry.

" said the old woman marlene then smiled just then the old woman came over to the table with a large ball with hot soapy water and put it infront of her, she then took her spoon and went to eat it no! the boy shouted

" you wash your hand" and he started to she her, " thank you

" she said " i think a should be going home" said marlene

" were do you live? he asked marlene look down and said

" the harris manor. sorry i must leave

" why must you leave you just lost your mother" said the boy,

" yes i have. i need to go" said marlene,

" what happen i hear stories in the street but, what really happen" he asked

" my mother made potion she helped people and my friend was killed, " was his named jason" he asked

" yes how did you know? said marlene

" i heard you shout jason when you slept" said the boy,

" jason was my good mate and we couldnt be friends as his step mother wouldnt aloud it, my mother was framed when he died" said marlene

" i know jason he was my childhood friend" said the boy

" you know him, i tried to go to his funeral but people chased me away" said marlene

" i saw them. i followed you and when you past out i took you here" said the boy,

" his step mother was so mean even to my mother" said the boy.

" my mother was his nanny just after his mother died, we used play his father had so much fun and when mrs grant came into it. she told my mother to leave, me in jason couldnt be friends again" said the boy" that is terible" said marlene

" what is your name" she asked my name is charles evans and this is my mothers farm, my mother is named ruth " he said

" my name is marlene. she lived with this family untill she got well again. then she moved back to the harris manor. ruth who became a 2nd mother to marlene last for the wedding of her son charles and marlene then she died of old ages, marlene moved home with her wonderful husband who just delived marlenes beautiful baby girl and she named her molly, marlene started to forget the past and made sure she was a good mother to her daughter and help her to be stronger than she was. 

The Ghost of Molly Evans and the Truth of the Harris ManorUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum