Chapter 5

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molly had a better sleep that night than she had in years. she felt bad for how she spoke to her mother, it was morning now and time for her to get up as she walked over to her dresser there was a smash in her mirror it must of been her with her angry rag from the night before she went to open the door of her bedroom and a strange man came up the stairs and then she slammed her door closed and stood and hold it to keep him out, as she walked over to her bedroom window. everything got strange for Molly all her little village she once knew was gone. there was a car parked outside her manor with a woman on a some kind of woky tocky and a man holden a young girl around 3 years they started wallking up the path but there was a older girl around molly ages stood in the middle of the garden. she can see me said molly.

this was the first time i had ever seen anything change in any of the houses me and my family had ever lived in. my name is sophie mackay. i made my way inside the manor the floor boards where un safe looking and the walls where a grey damp look and it smelled of suage water. you could tell that this place had been evicted for years. as my parents walked around i sneaked off to see what that strange figure i saw at the window. making my way up the un safe chaircase i wondered around up the stairs there was a other small flight of stairs which i was going to the top of the house. as i walked and opened up the door i entered into a attic room which was used by a young child by the look of things. there was a news paper on the door infront of her feet, i then picked it up and the big story was " village young girl puts spell on mayors daughter with black and white photo on the front of it. how long this paper was here i wondered there was a small drawers next to a single bed and i put it in the top one. as i went to turn around and saw something i got such a shock ghost i shouted and then everything in this room went dark and i felt myself falling to the ground then everything went silent, when i open my eyes there a young girl sitting beside me" are you okay? she asked. i then started to try and get to my feet " who are you i thought, your the girl from the old news paper, i am molly, what kind of magic? she asked what do you mean? i replied, you dont realise, you walked right though me, i was standing infront of you! snap molly, sorry, i didnt see you i said " how did you not see me i was standing right there as she point to were she stood, your a ghost i replied no i am not said molly then she walked over to her dresser and looked in the mirror, see i have a reflection then she looked and realise she didnt. i then walked over and stood beside her, i didnt realise that before said molly, what do you last remeber? i asked a woman screaming and a strange man coming up the stairs before that me and my mother having a fight i done something bad to a girl. said molly " what happen, you can tell me i asked as i sat on the bed, the mayors daughter bullied me since we were 8 years old, all the children did, then i tried to go in tell someone but teacher didnt believe me as this girl was very important, and was accused of putting a spell on her and got kicked out of school. what did you think what happen to your perants? i asked wondering " in my time was very strick, it was 1939 so my perants would have been hanged like what was meant to happen to my grandmother Enid who was framed for killed a boy in 1920s then my family came the most hated people in our village, your not a bad person i said " i am, my perants were killed because of my stupid behaver said molly " your not a bad person and if i was in your life a would have done the same i said " you would have? asked molly yeah i think i think its cool your a witch i said molly then smiled at me as it was the best thing she had ever heard. what is your name she then asked me " i am sophie nice to meet you she said sophie!! thats my mother shouting on me, we have just moved in here i will come and see you later i said and then i tried and leave the attic, watch out for this scary man on the stairs said molly, then left the attic and walked down stairs slowly trying to be care of my step that i didnt fall down.

as i got into the livingroom all i got was were have you been from my mother i was up the stairs i was up in the attic i want it for my bedroom. that is fine darling you can my mother said. my father step back in with a chinese and we all sat by the dinner table, who liked in this house before? i asked it has been empty since 1939 my mother replied i never told my mother what i saw in the attic best respecting the young girl a saw. after dinner i went back up the stairs and walked into my bedroom and molly appeared beside me. my dad then took up my boxes and i started to fixing up my room.  

The Ghost of Molly Evans and the Truth of the Harris ManorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon