home sweet home

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When you had gotten back to Canada William had to drive you to your house. Your mom's car was in the drive way but she wasn't supposed to be home for another week. You ran into the house and saw your mom you then went and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much I love you," you said

"I missed you to Alexa and I love you more."

You broke the hug finally when you turned around William was standing in the living room.

"Nice to see you William," your mom said

"Nice to see you too," William said while smiling

"Please take care of Alexa I know you guys have been dating a little while"

"I will."

"Bye Alexa I have to go I'll see you tomorrow." William said

"Bye William I love you," you said

"I love you too."

With that William then left you denied to text Lizzy making sure she was okay.


Hey, you okay?


I'm fine I'm at my house everything is okay.


Good, my mom came home early.


Really that's nice.



You and your mom then talked for hours. It was nice to talk to her and have her around again. After you talked to your mom a little longer you went to your room and did the school work that you missed.

"Hey, Alexa," Lizzy said while coming into your room

"Oh hey."

"What are you doing?"

"Doing all the schoolwork that we missed."

"Oh, want to go somewhere?"

"I would but I'm tired"

"Same, it was nice to go to DC and everything."

"Are you and Auston a thing?"

"Maybe maybe not"

Lizzy helped you with your schoolwork then went home. You told your mom goodnight and headed off to bed you were beyond tired.

Sorry, this is so short please vote and comment.

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