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You and William sat at the table and just drank coffee after a good 20 minutes William had to leave.

"Did William Nylander just buy me coffee then give me his number?" you said

"No Alexa it was all a dream."

"Shut up and let's go."

You dropped Lizzy off at her house and went back home.

"Hey sweetie how have you been," your mom said

"I've been doing good."

"Sorry I've been gone all the time work has just been crazy I promise in a few days everything will be back to normal."

"It's okay mom I love you,"

"I love you too,"

You went up to your room and decided to text William.

*unknown number*

Hey you got the right number don't worry it's William

You were happy you got the right number. You didn't know what to do for the rest of the day so you decided to read. A few hours went by so you decided to check the time it's was 1 pm. You went downstairs and your mom left again. It was nice seeing her even if it was only for a few minutes you then heard a knock at the door and answered it. William was standing there with Mitch behind him

"William how did you get my address," you asked him

"Oh, I messaged your friend since you weren't replying back so I figured hey why not come to your house."

Once William said that Mitch just walked in your house.

"Hey who said you were allowed to come in?"


You didn't know what you were going to do at this point. Just this morning you had coffee with William now he's in your house with Mitch Marner. You thought maybe you should let someone in your life for once but you built up walls for a reason.

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