Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Grace went home and I settled down to watch evening news. Lying across my bed I thought about my conversation with my daughter. I do not spend my days feeling alone. My life is not empty. I feel I am making a worthwhile contribution in the lives of the battered women and children we serve. Still, an empty bed is sometimes difficult when you have shared it with someone for the many years Harold and I were married. If I am going to start dating I don’t think I would start with a man who has already proven he is a heart breaker.

The phone ringing woke me a little after ten. I reached for the phone and answered, “Jeffery, everyone knows not to call me after ten PM.”

“Baby, if you tell me the rules I promise to obey them.”

“One of the rules is you cannot call me ‘baby’ because I think you are being too familiar. This is a professional relationship. You are a member of my board and I do not want to blur the lines here.”

Jeffery was quiet for a minute. I wait giving him time to respond while taking into consideration I have had all week to think about this position.

I was surprised when he answered, “Irene, I have never called anyone baby but you. When I look at you or talk to you, you are still baby to me but I will respect your rules. Now if I do that, can I call and check on you? Will you answer your phone?”

“You can. Just not after ten and take into consideration my schedule can sometimes get crazy. That said, thank you for the excellent meal. Did you prepare the food?” I was relaxing and he was easy to talk to.

“No, but I can barbeque pretty good. My sister cooked today. I spent the day with her and her kids. She does not live far from you so it was no trouble at all.”            

“And how do you know where I live?”

“I helped deliver some of the groceries to your front porch. June’s car could not hold everything.”

I consider talking to him a few more minutes but I can hear Teddy Pendergrass in his background singing Turn Off the Lights.

I shook my head because this man is really over the top. Once again I reminded myself to proceed with caution.

“Good night, Jeffery”                  

“Good night, Irene.”

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