Part 3

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Andrea's POV

I fell out the car, he was pushing me and it hurt. I tried not to cry all I could but sometimes it overtook me. I was tied up by my feet and my tie on mouth was still there. He slammed the door and drove off. I tried to call for him to come back but it came out in mumbles, it's not like he would've taken any notice anyway. I scooted across the ground, but there was no-one here for miles, we were in the middle of nowhere and I knew I was going to die. Even now I thought why me? Elliot wasn't like I thought he would be, he's young, good looking and hes throwing his life away, maybe one day he could be successful, earn money, stay out of prison. I knew he was a nice boy at heart but there was something stopping him open up, it's like he has something to hide. I started to slowly stand up and then stood there and sighed. All around me there was ground, mud and more mud. I looked up in despair as I realized rain drops started falling from the sky infront of me. My life was getting worse and worse through the hours. I'd been standing in the same place for 10 minutes or so, then I started to move but tripped over a tree stump and fell, banging my knee. 'Fuck fuckety fuck.' I hissed in agony. The rain was getting heavier now, pouring down my hair and wetting my clothes till they were stuck to my skin. 'Elliot!' I shouted. 'ELLIOT PLEASE!' The hankie on my mouth was coming undone now, and was slowly loosening, allowing me to shout. I knew he could hear me, he couldn't be that far away. All sorts of things started going through my mind, what if he crashed? what if an animal had pounced on him from nowhere? what if, what if, what if?


I started wriggling around after a few hours, biting the hankie on my teeth apart, it tasted vile but I knew I had to do it if I wanted to get away. I could hear all sorts of noises around me as it started to get dark. The rain was still going, getting heavier minute by minute. More animals started lurking around, I could see their shadows around me, wondering what I was doing on their homeland. 'Well I'm trying to get out you twats, give me time.' I hissed to them, and myself. Finally the hankie came off and I was free to talk as much as I myself. My teeth were bleeding and my gums were dry, i was starting to get really thirsty after not having a drink for several hours. Dad wouldn't even know i was gone, he's not back till next week, and by the way things are going...well, I don't even think I'll be here next week let alone tomorrow. I could still feel the cloth on my feet holding me back. I tried hooking it onto things like stuck out branches and even tried to entice wild birds to come and chew it off. But he had tied it hard, and he said he was coming back after all. Maybe I should just wait? I mean hes coming back...he said so...didn't he? 


I ran up the lane, the tie on my feet was undone and dragging across my sore, red ankles. I winced in pain everytime my legs moved, it was more agony than it seemed. I knew I should've gone back, back the other way, eventually I would've found shelter, I would've got back home, I would've been safe. But I had this feeling, a feeling that maybe Elliot was in danger, that something had happened, or something will happen. He must be up here somewhere, I thought as I checked through all the foliage and called out his name. My throat was starting to get sore along with the rest of my body, I was starting to get tired, thinking about giving up. But no. Just as I was going to flop down on the path and cry I heard a voice. It was only quiet but I knew that voice. 'ELLIOT!' I shouted again. 'ELLIOT!' I picked myself up and ran into the nearest field. I saw his back at the center and ran towards him screaming his name. He looked at me and turned back, pretending not to see. 'NOOO!' I screamed. I didn't know what I was doing, I just ran towards him and pulled the gun, he didn't see me coming and shot it. I thought it had hit him and nearly fainted, but they I screamed in pain and realized who the bullet had hit. It was me. It went through my left arm and speared my chest on the side. I fell down and just passed out, I had a dream, It was white, everything was white and there was no one there but me. I heard the faint sound of Elliot's voice in the back round. It was slowly fading. I reached out and called but there was no reply, everything went black.

He's Stalking me.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें