Part 7

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  Andrea's POV

I suddenly jumped up. I didn't know where I was, there were flames around me and a body lying still on the smokey ground. I couldn't move properly but I could talk. 'Help, HELP, ANYONE?!' I screamed, I saw the flames all outside, covering the room I was led in. I slowly got out of the bed, my body was covered in bruises and scars. I remember what had happened. I'd been raped and beaten, nearly to death. I started crying thinking of it, but stopped myself. The smoke was so overcoming that I started choking on the air. I fell to the floor and pulled the leg in front of me, I looked up to see who it was. They wore black jeans and a black jacket with a white t-shirt underneath. I suddenly realized everything, It all came back to me, ever since that night my dad went on that trip. I seen his face. It was Elliot.


I started screaming again, shaking him with my broken, bruised fingers. It hurt so much but I was so scared he was dead. 'ELLIOT!' I screamed over and over again until my voice was hoarse. It was no use. I picked his lifeless body up but I couldn't hold it. I looked outside and there was a man, a fire fighter, he had a rope and was signalling to me. I tried to grab Elliot but the man shook his head at me as if to say 'it's no use' I cried but gradually let him pull me out of the burning building. I was on the grass panting and panting, it was so hard to breath. I could feel my skin burning, then I was getting sprayed with water all over my body. I shivered and rolled back and forth, in agony due to my scars. They checked me over and I was put in an ambulance, and examined there. I realized the hospital had been torched. I started crying, as it suddenly started to sink in. Elliot was dead. I couldn't  get him, I couldn't save him. The paramedics tried to comfort me but it was no good, I'd lost all my family, my friends, the boy who I loved. I guess I might aswell of died in that fire to. Where was I going to go? What was I going to wear? How was I going to survive? I was shortly released from the outside hospital and was allowed to leave. I walked through the fields where Elliot had killed those men, they were harmless, I thought, that's why I had a go. But now I know they're not, they weren't but it was to late. if I hadn't of been stupid stubborn me and walked off, Elliot would still be here now, We'd both be here together. I breathed in the warm air and kicked away the dust as I walked, more and more hours went by and I was still walking, walking to no where. I didn't know where i was going, or why. I just wanted Elliot back, here with me now. But that wasn't going to happen. More and more roads I passed, less and less did it not sink in. I could imagine him walking with me, I even would've let him kidnap me all over again just for him to be back here. Why did all this happen? Why him, why me? I sat down on the grass and started pulling it out in clumps. I looked up to see black shoes aabove me. I started to fear who it was. I looked and saw him. It was Joshua. I started screaming but he put his hands over my mouth. I knew he'd came back to finish me off. He also had bruises all over him, and a stab wound to his right arm. I didn't dare ask how, I saw a knife in his left hand. 'Shut it Andrea.' He whispered in my ear. 'Do you know who did this to me?' I stopped breathing, scared for my life. 'Your lovely little boyfriend.' he hissed. I paused for a moment. But. Elliot...but he...but...Elliot was dead...right?

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