Good things aren't always what they seem.

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My 23rd birthday came sooner then I thought. Most people would be happy and throw big parties. They say it will be filled with Happy Birthdays, hugs and presents, lots of presents. Your family will all burst through your bedroom door to wake you up by singing that awful song that makes every one emberassed. They will make you breakfast in bed and take you out for dinner. Your friends will barge in and bring you out for a night of partying. Making memories that will last a life time. The guy you love would bring you the most amazing gift that he took for ever on finding.  Your smile would last all night because every year you would think it was the most amazing night of your life. 

But I am not normal. I am far from normal and just a simple birthday is too far out of reach for me. Maybe its the prophecy maybe its different. I am not too sure what to expect but I know today is the day that I become my true self and not this made up version of me. My wolf will completely leave and till this day I am still unsure how a girl like me with both parents being fully vampires was born a wolf. All these years I was fed lies one after another and to tell you the truth that hurts. I felt as if I don't know anything about myself. I don't know what time its going to be when this whole prophecy is going to start. I just know that when it does my whole life is going to change. I wish I knew what to expect and how to handle this but I don't know anything. 

My transition was bad the first time, I done things I thought I was never capable of doing. Killing was something that was normal for me for many years. I killed rouges and vampires blinded by hatred towards the two I didn't even realize I was one of them. I was killing my own kind without even knowing. I turned my best friend/ex boyfriend into a hybrid because I was afraid. Many years I tried to convince my self that it wasn't my fault but even though I wasn't the one who bit him, I was the one who convinced him to come with me that night. That night changed everything, I always wanted a strong pack to look after and protect. I wanted to have pups and teach them everything I knew. But good things always come with a price. My happy life changed to something of distress. I couldn't handle my life then I can only imagine my life now. 

I felt the time coming soon, I was alone and no one was allowed to visit me or contact me in my current state. I was considered dangerous apparently I was going to attack anyone in my state. The light headache came with the slight pounding getting stronger and stronger. I dropped to my knees holding my head as I started to scream from the pain. Oh the pain felt as if a hammer was going at my head. I screamed again as I felt the heat rise within slowly making its way out of my body as it burt into flames. The heat vanished but the flames stood, my body was on fire and I was not burning. I was controlling the flames as I controlled the ice. I heard the screams of the wolf within me taking her final breath to cry for help. I couldn't do anything to help with the pain. Her cries were so heartbreaking, we once use to be really close before I was bit. That was the day she slowly started to die. The screams slowly stopped and I knew she was free from the pain, free from her heartbreak. Free from Kol. Free from me.

Kol I knew he will feel ths death of his mates wolf. I know he will feel the pain and then he will feel joy when he knows he is free from me. He isn't bound to me no more. He can go as he pleases and I will not feel the pain he brought upon me. I was also free, free from his hate and free from his love. Kol finally will have his time of celebration, knowing that he won't feel pressured to fight fate. 

Hunger rise in me. Blood was the only thing I longed and craved for. Oh the sweet taste of the thick fluid. I wanted to drink and drain any thing in sight. The thirst and hunger consumed me, it made me week. This hunger lasted for hours on end. I grew week by the second, I felt death knock on my door.

If this is what it feels like dying then I welcome it. It will release my pain and hunger. I am so weak I can't even stand. I pull my body up to stand and my legs they wobble. I sway back and forth and fall completely on the ground. My chest heaves up and down slowly the dark swallows me shut. I welcome the dark peacefulness.

When I woke up the cold welcomed me and I felt a tad bit better. The hunger was gone and the pain was slowly dying. I felt better then I ever have before. My sight and hearing was heightened. I felt as if I was a new person. 

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