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"Godamnit, I wanted him to give me some pizza."

Luke whipped his head around, only to be greeted by Ashton and Calum, both as white as ghosts, but not as pale as the blonde-haired boy on the floor. The dressing room was silent and stationary, and yet an unsettling aura was draped over the room, infesting the place like a bad smell.

"Hello? God, my grandmother can respond faster than you!" the voice called again, oddly feminine and tinged with ferocity. Luke felt his phone vibrate violently in his pocket, but he ignored it. Edging closer to Cashton, Luke could see beads of sweat slip down their foreheads, and their teeth chatter eerily. Michael was still on the floor.

The voice let out a menacing cackle, ringing through their ears as the sound of laughter echoed through the room.

"What's a girl gotta do around here to get some goddamn attention," the voice snickered, and Luke suddenly felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle as a hand slid through the ceiling, as effortless as singing on stage was to Luke, and was soon followed by a thin, bony leg. The translucent torso fell through, and finally, the head.

The owner of the voice lifted its hoodie and grinned like the Cheshire cat. The girl in front of them was of small stature, and yet she stood tall against the three adult men in front of her. Waifish, impish, with translucent white skin, Luke thought the girl looked so fragile that if he pushed her, she would shatter into a thousand delicate pieces, and yet the fierce glare blazoned in her dark blue eyes said otherwise. Her wavy long brown hair cascaded down the back of a shirt saying 'HIPSTER.' Beaten-up white converse, noir tights and light blue denim shorts, the girl folded her arms and lifted her eyebrow suggestively.

Luke was the first to speak, feeling the dryness scratching against his throat.

"W-What are you?"

The girl threw her head back, laughing. She placed her hand against the wall, and the hand slid through the solid wood.

"What the hell do you think I am, I can push my hand through a fucking wall!"

Ashton furrowed his brow in disbelief, and Calum just, like, face-planted on the floor, next to an unconscious Michael. Luke felt his throat clench, as if a fist was clamped around his throat, slowly crushing his oesophagus. His lips were moving, but no sound came out. The girl reached out her hand, and a twisted smile danced across her lips as Luke felt an invisible hand force him to the ground.

Ashton's jaw dropped, and Luke heard him mutter, "Who are you?"

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out," the girl sneered, before he crashed into Luke, and the girl darted out of the room.

Scrambling to his feet, Luke dragged Michael and Calum onto the couch, before splashing boiling coffee onto Ashton.


"Hey, no swearing!" Luke japed, and Ashton glared at him, before attempting to wake up the other two.

Half an hour later, the other two were still unconscious, dead to the world despite Lashton's best efforts. All of a sudden, an all-too-familiar head popped through the roof, and caused their insides to jump right to their throats, as Luke and Ashton stared at the malicious brown-haired, blue-eyed ghoul poking through the roof.

"Oh sweet baby Jesus, just slap him already," she said, before dropping down from the roof, slapping Malum right across the face, and striding out the door. As Michael and Calum awoke, Luke called out, "Wait! What's your name?"

The girl turned around and flipped her hair dramatically.

"Lara. Lara Harvey." 

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