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3 months before

"Ew, get away from me you freaky, intergalactic scum!"  Sebastian yelled at his computer screen. 

The alien creature in the game convulsed under the attack of Sebastian and his teammates from around the globe. After a few more shots from laser canons and one last blow from Sebastian's sting sword, the threatening creature shriveled up and died. 

"Yeah, baby!" Sebastian cheered into his headset while maneuvering his avatar to dance up and down in celebration. He stopped when he realized none of the other avatars around him were doing the same. He heard laughter through his headset.

"What? What's so funny?" Sebastian asked confusedly.

"Nothing, mate. You were, uh, just a bit excited, yeah?" Nate, a 24 year old from England, coughed to cover up his laughter. 

"Oh, come on! With a defeat like that, of course I would be!" Sebastian defended himself.

"Day-um, son. Too bad real life ain't that easy, huh?" Ryan, an 18 year old from Detroit said. "Is that was that Sabrina chick says to you when you talk to her? 'Ew, get away from me, you intergalactic scum!' ?" 

Heavy laughter filled his headset and Sebastian blushed fiercely, grateful that he couldn't be seen. The guys were just playing around, but it still struck a nerve deep inside of Sebastian.

"Hardy har har." He said sarcastically. "You know, I haven't spoken to her yet." 

"Why not?"

"Can't hide your stiffy long enough?" 

"You chicken?" 

Sebastian quietly disconnected his headset and logged off of his game before any of his friends started making chicken sounds. He would game with them later, when they forgot about Sebastian and his plight with Sabrina.  

It was unfortunate. Sebastian knew he could never have Sabrina (she had the perfect boyfriend in Peter Jacobs) and even if Sabrina was single, she would never go for someone like him (Popular cheerleader + nerdy gamer-boy= no chance in hell). 

But still. It would be cool if he could just walk by her, or say hi without having his brain turn to mush. Freshman year, Sabrina had asked him if the cafeteria was serving tater-tots and Sebastian had responded in an alien language saying 'Gleeba deroo, farsh.' Why do hot girls have that effect on guys? It didn't seem fair.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you...interesting."

Sebastian's head whipped from the princess Leia poster above his bed to the doorway where he found his cousin Paige standing. Except, she looked different. Her natural blonde hair was now dyed bright blue and she looked like a jolly rancher. He remembered how she used to wear fluffy pink dresses with big bows, but now she wore skinny jeans and a t-shirt that exposed her midriff, giving everyone a glimpse of a silver belly button ring.  

"What- I mean...uh...what?" 

"Great. You're a nerd and you can't speak full sentences." Paige walked into his room and over to his bookcase where he kept his collection of superheroes. "Seriously, dolls?"

"They are action figures!" he said and fixed the spot where Paige had moved spider-man.  "What are you even doing here? I thought you guys moved to Idaho last month." 

"We did. Mom and I came to visit for the fourth of July and then she'll leave on Monday without me." Seeing the confused look on Sebastian face, she continued. "Yeah, she thinks I need a change of pace from military life. Can you believe it? Most parents send their kid to military school, and mine are sending me away from it. I guess it'll be nice to stay in one place for awhile." 

"Wait, so...you're staying? Here? With me and mom?" 

"You're a quick one, aren't you?" 

"Mom didn't say anything to me about-"

"Yeah, by the looks of it, my mom is telling your mom right...now." Paige nodded out the window and Sebastian looked out to see his mom and Aunt Carol talking very heatedly. Mom was shaking her head very determinedly and Sebastian hoped she would refuse this new living arrangement. But less than a minute later Sebastian saw his mom nodding in defeat. 

"How long are you gonna be here?" Sebastian asked dejectedly. He was trying to be polite but he barely knew his old cousin Paige, let alone this new, teenage rebel version. Suddenly he was supposed to share his home and his life with her?

"Long enough to change you for the better." 

"Excuse me?" 

"If you're room is like this, and you dress like that," she waved dismissively at his ensemble of jeans and sweater vest, "Then you must be a complete nerd at school, right? There is no way I will be associated with you unless we change some things." Paige opened his closet and started throwing his clothes on the floor. 

"I'm sorry, exactly what are you saying?" 

Paige's head peeped out of the closet and she grinned, mischief glinting in her eyes. 

"We;re gonna make you cool, Seb."

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