Day 3

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As I walked into gym class I noticed some kids gathered in the corner around someone. I frowned but shrugged it off as them just gossiping again. I set my bag down on the bleachers and started to stretch. The couch blew the whistle and I sat down waiting for the others to follow. The couch walked out infront of us and begin to speak.

"Listen up. I made seating chart and when you come in everyday I expect you to be in this order on the center line. Understood?" He finished in a stern voice.

"Understood" We all replied.

"Good now when I call your name walk to the center line. Adam, Katie, Jack, Ashley, John, Y/N, Lauren, and Luke. The others stay seated where you are" he finished calling out. I stood in my spot and looked around and noticed the girl next to me. She's new. I cleared my throat and decided to introduce myself.

"Hey I'm Y/N" I stuck my hand out for her. She takes my hand with a smile before looking back to the couch. I decided to take in her appearance and found myself in awe of the girl. She had long black hair and bright emerald eyes. If I looked closely you could see the tip of a tattoo on the back of her neck. I heard someone clear their throat and I snapped back to reality finding everyone looking at me. I turned to the couch and became frozen in my spot knowing I'd just been caught starring at the new girl.

"You done checking out Lauren, Y/n?" he said with a stern voice.

"I apologize sir I didn't mean too." I genuinely didn't mean to stare at her. I looked to the ground and he continued explaining the rules for the year. I felt someone starring at me but decided not to look, being afraid it would be Lauren. The class went on as usual. We played dodgeball again but tomorrow we were told to wear shorts and be prepared to run laps. I walked over to the bleachers and grabbed my bag getting ready to leave. I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked up and found those emerald eyes again. I stood up straight and became nervous.

"I'm sorry for starring earlier. I didn't mean to its just you're really beautiful and I was just admiring. Okay I need to stop talking I'm sorry" I started rambling before I heard her start to laugh. That was the cutest sound I've ever heard. I smiled again waiting for her to speak.

"I'm new around here and I was wondering if you could give me directions to the nearest store. I have to buy some things for my new home" she asked sounding nervous. I smiled and nodded my head. n

"Well, it depends on what youre needing to get but I'd recommend the Walmart down the street. They have everything really but mostly for bedrooms and food" I smiled at her before an idea came to mind.

"Hey, if you want I can take you I just have to stop somewhere on the way to pick something up" I offered her. She smiled before nodding her head. I grabbed my bag and we made our way to my car. I opened the door for her and walked to my side getting in. I started the old engine and drove off to the destination. Truth is I'm so excited for my new car today and I hope its ready to be picked up now. I felt Lauren starring at me and out of the corner of my eye I could see a smile. I made a right turn into the parking lot and looked at Lauren before getting out and grabbing our stuff from the trunk. She got out and before she could speak Tom came out.

"Hey Y/N, ready to pick up the new one?" he said with a huge grin. I nodded my head and laughed.

"Yeah I've been waiting for this day for awhile" he laughed before grabbing my keys from me and ushering me and Lauren inside. I pulled a chair out for Lauren before sitting down and talking with Tom. He pulled out a few papers and before signing I read the contract. I smiled and signed my name before looking over to Lauren who had a confused look. I smiled at her and grabbed her hand squeezing it before Tom got up and talked to his coworker who took my keys. I got up and followed Tom back outside making sure Lauren was following me. As we stepped outside Lauren spoke up.

"Y/N where's your car?" I smiled and squeezed her hand before hearing the sound of an engine roar. I looked to my left and saw my brand new matte black Camaro. I've been waiting for this day for so long I thought. I looked back to Lauren and found her fascial expression hilarious. The guy got out of the car and handed me the keys.

"She's all yours Y/N, enjoy" he said with a wink. I grabbed Laurens hand and opened the passenger door for her.

"You gonna get in or keep starring at it?" I said with a laugh. She shook her head and got into the new car. I closed the door before putting our stuff into the trunk and getting in. I put the key in the ignition and revved the engine hearing the sound was the best feeling in the world besides Laurens laugh of course. I revved the engine one more time before pulling off and heading to Walmart. There was one thing on my mind at this moment. I had my dream car and a new friend what could go wrong.

WMHSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें