black space

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I think its time to tell you the full story.. Ya know.. the parts I can Remember .

"Hello?" My voice cried out in confusion. "Were am I.." all I can see Is a chair lit up by one sliver of light. Everything else was flooded with nothing but darkness. I looked down and the only to see my arms and legs hooked to a chair. So I got a grasp on my surroundings, I noticed there were others, they were locked up to. yet, not one spoke, not one cried they looked terrified but it was like they knew what would happen. Under closer inspection, I seen a Convayer belt at the bottom of our chairs.

Vvvr* vvvvr *
The conveyor swayed and moved very unsettleing. There was nothing I can do... I thought to myself. Im-
My thoughts stopped mid creation. I peered over at the man in front of the chair under the light. A woman walk in with a greating smile and in crimson hood,
"why hello there, my name is moku. Ill be judging you today."

Her smile gleamed and I felt the presents of my mom. She yanked down her hood and sat on the chair crosslegged. Her hair was long , curly and golden and her eyes were a firely red and orange mix although almost covered by her bowl cut bangs, I relaxed. "I guess I can see how this works... right" I thoughts.
"...." the man under the light didnt respond, all he has was a blank stare.
My eyes widened. I noticed something I should have the moment I gained consciousness, I seen... I seen

He had... wings..

My body tensed , I struggled to break free and run away. His wings were small and around his head but you can still see them. I started to freak out. I tried my hardest not to yell ate cry so I wouldn't draw attention to myself.
"Ok lets look at your information." Moku said in excitement. The man looked up at the build of light, as if he knew he was already dead.
"Hmmm... OH your name is henry.
Your 36, ok,and your ability is...N/A. Um ok, ok. Im sorry but we cant have you in our games. "

"Games... what games.. " I muttered to myself.

The man sat there then out of no were, boled and jumped to his knees like he was pleading for his life.
"Please... please, I know im not very young but let me live I need this, I have two kids with a lovely woman named Ande La Black, please..."
the woman let out and small giggle then shortly after gave a soft sigh.
"Oh henry, henry, henry." She started then patted him in the head. "If you cant play in the die anyway...."
Henrys face was of blunt terror. She smiled the mouthed to word BYE HONEY, with a pageant queen wave. my eyes froze, he looked back at the line of people yet to be fated. And reached out to a woman who started cry.

Suddenly the panel of floor below the Chair, slowly creeked open... the man yelp in fear as he plunged to his head slitting death... and I finally realized I was next.

The conveyor belt swayed even more as it brought me up to the chair were I would be juged. Even more thing rushed through my mind. What are the games? what happened to him? Can I make it out if this Tears started to from in my eyes.. I jerked my arms and legs as a last attempt to break free. Maybe this is just a dream.. I thought over and over hoping it was true. As I was brought over to the light, my fear when climaxed, and my heart felt like it was about to stop.

She smiled and look at me kind of puzzled, as if I was missing something.

"ok lets se-" she start but was stopped abrutly. The door in the opposite sideof the line sang open and a boy about my age ran in, with a girl with white hair in to twin tails,which was dyes purple at the tips, with a violet maid outfit on.
" lorance! You baka! What are you do-" The girl said stopping herself in confusion or some sort if fear. The boy walk over to the woman and all the girls in the room sighed in unison.
I thought in even more confusion.
The boy eyes trailed from the woman to me.

"Why hello there " The boy said with a devilish grin. The girl in the back puffed up her cheaks like she was about to lecture the boy just for talking to me. "Lor-" again, she got cut off. but this time the devilish boy cut her off and gave me an even bigger smile. He trotted over to the golden haired woman, by the name of moku and she started at him with a face of 'my lord what are you doing here', and I knew he was important. I tensed, he finally directed his field of vision in moku, "WELL..." moku said nothing, as if paralized just at the sight of him.
"Moku read their info~" he said with a slight chuckle.
"... oh sorry!!" Moku rotatated to the front of her chair and scrabbled throughout the sloppy placement of papers. I have one last tug as to get out.. but to no surprise I failed. I glanced around and seen the girls still lovesick, and the men also confused.
I looked back at the boy who seemed to show intrest in me.

He had blue navy blue hair, and sparkling navy blue-darkish blue eyes
There were cute little horn in his head
And had fang like tooth that added to his smile. I noticed around his neck there was a pair of headphones with a faded blue tone to it. The back was getting covered by his jacket, I stressed alittle to see it, and drew his attention to me.

He gave me a little chuckle and turned his attention back to moku, who seems like she found something.

"GOT IT!" Moku said in a proud tone
"Neat... now please read them." He said giving a thumbs up.
"Ok lets see..." she trailed.
"Name, ryu hashiko... she's 14, and her species is..." she trailed off again.
She started at the paper. The white haired girl galloped over to see what was wrong. "Lorence.... she.. a human.." everyone in the room stared in scilence. Shook alittle, the boy named Lorene turned and over and looked died into my eyes. The more he inched closer to my face, the worse my nerve gotten. "Moku." He said without even turning to her. "This year its partners right.." before she could answer the girl who we walked in with him said "yeah, what about it.
" Moku does she quality.."
"yeah every thing seem-"
"I want you, a human should be fun to fight with." He said cutting off moku speece.
"My name is lorence " he said pointing his thumb at his chest with a smile "the girl over here with the maid dress on, her name is marmalade." I glanced over at the white haired girl with twin tails. Her face was a mix of anger and shock.

'Marmalade' I said to myself

"Moku~" he sighed,as moku jumped up. "She passed.. so can i be her partner?!"
"OF course, ill send her down now." She shouted out. Everyone who was chained, just like me, follewed her hands as she pressed a bulky button. barely shown under the clutter of things in my file. "Wait.." Lorence turn faceing me. He removed to headphones from his neck and placed it on me, it was so  bulky, it covered most if my head, yet I felt at peace with them on.
"Thank you.." I said, alittle confused
"Boop" he said Pocking my nose. My chair slowly shank into the pannel below me. "ok ill see you when you get out side, but for now..." lorene said peaking into the hole, "welcome to trials, also known as everyone's grave yard."

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