The Iron mountains, the great steps, the Templars temple... all of it was gone. You weren't even near your home, in fact your pretty sure you'd crossed into another ocean. Just how far had you drifted?

"I, its... Its not there." You told them, fear rising. "My home, it's not there. Nothing here is familiar, I don't know where I am..."

Some looked at you with sympathy, other with pity and a few with skepticism. The rational part of your brain was telling you that of course they'd be skeptical, you would be. But then you weren't thinking rationally, you were thinking how you'd never see home again.

"Well..." Hiccup interjected, trying to think of something. "What happened, before landed in the sea? I mean, what's the last thing you remember." You stopped to think about everything for a moment.

"We, we were sailing to meet the enemy. My orders were to steer starboard with a crew of archers, we were suppose to fire their sails and essentially cripple their ships. The bigger the ships the better, only, only we got too close. They threw hooks over into our netting, then the Blood Eagle Legion..."

"Blood Eagle Legion?" Astrid asked, clearly she'd never heard of them.

"You've never heard of the Blood Eagle Legion?" I asked, astonished. "They're, relentless..."

"We've flown over every corner of the archipelago, not coming is one thing but never ever hearing of it is another. There's no clan ever spoken of any Blood Eagle Legion, no Lord Rogan chieftain..."

"Clans? Archipelago? Chieftains? No, I'm not talking of Vikings who wear the furs of animals. I am a knight of the Phoenix Legion, my people are masters of the blade who wear skins of iron! We have conquered every inch of the lands we see, we are bred for war!" You were angry now, you wanted them to know just who your people were. You'd have pumped your chest if you could, but you were still bound. "We Knights follow a strict code of honour, one that my father died defending!"

The chief had a troubled look on his face, while Astrid looked like she'd gut you any second. You were still weak, but now your blood was fired. "Your not here for war." Hiccup said calmly. "If you were, we'd have seen some sign of your scout dragons..."

"Scout Dragons?" You asked, before suddenly laughing in a somewhat crazed manner. "You think, we ride dragons? Have them in our armies and command them as you do?"

"Alright we get it, obviously you haven't finished the war with your dragons yet." Hiccup moaned, making you think this was a common occurrence, people claiming they'd never ride a dragon.

"Oh no, it's not that. We finished the war centuries ago, only myths of legends remain of dragons. But our priests tell us the war ended when the last of the great dragon king fell over the body of his queen, to shorten the story, dragons are extinct in Ashfield."

The dragons started to growl and snarl in response, causing you to flinch slightly. The Vikings were startled too, discussing and mumbling between themselves. "Is that possible?" "He must be lying?" "They killed a bewilderbeast?" A few voices spoke over the general sound of the crowd.

Hiccup raised his hand, silencing the crowd. He sat in deep thought for a few minutes, clearly trying to figure out a response. "Someone find gobber, I need to speak with gothi. In the meantime (Y/N) since you really haven't done anything wrong, so you can have free roam of the island with Astrid as a escort. Think of it more as more for your safety then for anyone else's, since the dragons seem to hate you."

You were going to protest, but then the amount of hated looks and open maws startled you. You had to admit, you didn't like to be caught alone with one, never mind the horse of these dragons. "That doesn't sound too bad, I thank you Lord Haddock."

"Please, hiccups just fine. Chieftain  if you really must, but lords too much."

"Very well, Chief Hiccup." You bowed, as is expected when speaking with someone worthy of respect, anyone who commanded a clan of Vikings riding dragons were worthy of respect.

"First, you'll have to speak with gothi, she's knows all there is to know really. If it's possible to find your way home, gothi will be able to help you."

It had gotten dark now, the long walk up the mountain had been a time consuming one. Since you were so weak you had to regularly stop for breaks, you would sit down exhausted. Sweat would drop down your face, even though it was cold. Hiccup held the touch for you, keeping what little light remained.

Gothi was what your people would call a soothsayer, a woman who lived largely in isolation and healed the sick and injured. They also contained the power to read centuries old  dragon knuckle bones to predict the future, hopefully this one could help you.

She was also to speak apparently, was barely three feet tall and was far to handy with that stick for your liking. A man named Gobber, seemed the only one able to translate her writings, even though he wasn't fluent in her symbols. As a man of noble birth you were instructed the ways of the pen, able to read and write from an early age. This was a totally different language though, so you had to relay on your less then perfect translator.

"Gothi, we hate to bother you, but do you know anything if the man of iron skin?" Hiccup asked, getting a strange look from gothi. "(Y/N) here claims to be one of them." He explained, you wish he hadn't though. Immediately, Gothi hit you hard over the head with her stick, after you have a cry out she started writing in the dirt with it.

Gobber, a man who you calculated to be only sixty percent of the original body he had, began to translate. "She says, he feels fleshy enough."

"Not literally!" You yell. "We wear iron armour, you know, like clothes. Knights? Templars? None of this ring a bell? No?" No wonder they hadn't killed the dragons yet. Gothi began to scratch her head for a moment, the began to write.

"She says, she remembered as a girl, before the ice wraith, an unknown clan stopping in Berk. They were raiders, outcasts like Alvin, but they came in surrender. The told how they attacked a village far to the west, across the endless sea. Their plan was to build an army strong enough to wage war with Berk in a number of years, while remaining undectected by though hunting them. They spoke of how they were attacked by men of iron, who's skin was immune to any king of damage."

"Sounds about right, Vikings sometimes commit small scale raids across the beaches, when one settles we make sure they never come back." You looked over across the sea, somewhere, far to the west, was your home.

"That's impossible though." Hiccup told you. "Our dragons have flown in that direction before, it's nothing but endless ocean."

"Clearly it's across that endless ocean, outside this home you call archipelago." You stated. You were coming across as hostile you knew, but circumstances dictated you weren't in the best of moods. "So I need a ship for the long haul?" You turned and started down the mountain path, hiccup close on your heels.

"Hey hey, where are you going (Y/N)?"

"Look for a ship."

"Listen, it's not there, we tried. Even if you were at full strength, which your not, you couldn't get across. You'd become adrift at sea, you'd die out there."

"Yeah well, what's the alternative? I spend the rest of my days out here? Alone? Lost? My home is out there!" You told him firmly, pointing out to sea. "These people are not my kin, this lands are not my home... Even the stars are different." You blinked away tears, for only now did you realise how far you were.

"(Y/N) I can pretend to imagine your situation, it's an impossible one. But for now at least, save your strength. Give it two weeks, then you can be on your way whatever you choose."

You signed, already you were tiring. You ground your teeth together, you had to admit you were too weak to do anything now. "Fine, two weeks, that's it."

Damn Vikings, you thought.

For Honour - How to Train Your Dragon (Astrid x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now